Express Excess: Edinburgh Special
This event on 22nd June 2011 has past.
Contact: tickets/info 020 7485 2659
Edinburgh 2011 SPECIAL
DAN ANTOPOLSKI Dave Award winner, triple Perrier Award nominee and BBC New Comedy award winner, Dan Antopolski is one of the fastest rising stars in comedy. With his latest Edinburgh show, Jigsaw he joins forces with Tom Craine (Times Top Five 2010) and Nat Luurtsema (Chortle Newcomer Nominee 2008) to culture an hour of smart, stupid sketches that fit together like, well, lego. It is dazzling audiences across the UK. See this brilliant new Edinburgh show without the 400 mile train journey.
RICHARD TYRONE JONES performs a slice of 'Richard Tyrone Jones has a big heart' The brilliant Debut Edinburgh 2011 show by comedian, Poet and multi-lateral thinker RTJ. Shortly after his 30th Birthday, he was suddenly struck down with heart failure. His heart became the weakened, baggy heart of an old man, his lungs bubbling with frothy phleghm and his legs unable to walk more than a few metres. What had caused this triple-decker sandwich of misery? And can being dangerously ill actually improve your life?
Hosted by Paul Lyalls ‘Very very funny & very, very feel good’ – NUS Magazine
On street parking all down Adelaide Rd for free after 6.30pm and the side roads off it - 5 mins from gig.
Price: £5.00 / £3.00
Time: 8:30 for 9:00pm
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