This event on 1st October 2011 at 19:30 has past.
Open Mic Event
Autumn: season of mists and mellow fruitfulness and the return of A Poem & A Pint, kicking off with a session at Lanternhouse, Ulverston at 7.30 on the 1st October with star guest James Caruth, the usual assortment of poets from the floor, and music from newcomer Joe Slater.
James Caruth’s poetry is firmly bedded in familiar landscapes, both urban and rural. Born and educated in Belfast, he grew up through the worst of the ‘troubles’ before going to work in Cape Town, South Africa in 1982. Four years later he returned to live in Sheffield where he has been ever since. Each of these different places has informed his work. He is interested in interpreting landscape through its inhabitants, reading the marks we have left on it, and the changes time has made to it. He says: “We are the landscape, it shapes where we live, it dictates how we live our daily lives, and it gives us a definition of ‘home’.” Carefully crafted and deceptively simple, his poems are accurate and moving reminders of what really matters in our relationships with each other and the natural world.
James’s first collection - A Stone’s Throw - was published by Staple in 2007 to considerable acclaim. A long poem sequence - Dark Peak - was published by Longbarrow Press in 2008, and later adapted in a musical collaboration with Sheffield Academy of Music. Tithes, a new ten poem sequence, is due in Longbarrow Press’s specially commissioned anthology The Footing this autumn.
Joe Slater is a new planet in Ulverston’s musical solar system. Music has always been part of his life, and singing was always part of his daily routine. Having taken up the guitar he has recently started gigging on the local circuit, playing other people’s songs, but with his own little twist.
Plus the audience can expect the unexpected from our floor-slot poets, a warm welcome from compere Ross Baxter, and the usual convivial Poem & a Pint atmosphere, though they will need to remember to bring their pints with them, as there is no bar at Lanternhouse.
Supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England
For more info. go to: http://www.apoemandapint.co.uk/
Price: £4.00. (£4 (Concessions: £3) on the door)
Time: 7:30pm
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