Judy Brown & Ellie Evans: debut poetry collections
This event on 7th November 2011 at 19:00 has past.
Contact: RSVP seren@serenbooks.com,01656 663018
Judy Brown and Ellie Evans both launch their debut collections of poetry
Judy Brown's beautiful first collection is called Loudness. A straightforward manner and a gift for ironic humour belie the artful complexities and the exacting observations evident in her work. (Shortlisted for the Forward Prize 'Vest First Collection' 2011).
The Ivy Hides the Fig Ripe Duchess is an exhilarating first collection of poems from Ellie Evans. Using a surrealist palette of imagery and a tightly focused idiom, the author takes us on a strange journey: to the post-apocalyptic world of the title poem or into a skewed 18th century Venice in 'The Zograscope'.
Entry: Free
Time: 7:00pm
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