Everybody's Got To Be Somewhere
This event on 13th November 2011 at 13:30 has past.
Contact: johnnycashback@hotmail.com
JEFF SHEPPARD - last UK reading by San Francisco poet returning to his roots
ALICE WALKER - nothing special
DAN BELTON - the boss of all pigeons
GARY GOODMAN - poems of bones and feathers
A dark autumn lit up like a firework crashing into a bonfire; it's real, it's poeting by the majestic Jeff Sheppard, the wonderful Dan Belton,the precociuosly wondrous Alice Walker and Gary Goodman - drinking, talking, going out to smoke and coming back to listen to Tobias Mudlow's beautiful songs that make you want to howl like a wolf - there's a place for us ...
Price: £3.00
Time: 1:30pm
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