Speakers' Corner
This event on 13th June 2012 at 19:30 has past.
This event series is no longer running. It last took place on 9th January 2013 at 19:30.
Open Mic Event
Contact: thespeakerscorner@hotmail.co.uk
Second Wednesday of every month. All spoken word performers welcome. One 'featured performer' and many 5 minute slots to sign up for on the night.
For more details visit http://www.yorkspeakerscorner.co.uk
13th June 2012 at 19:30
On Wednesday 13th June we welcome guest poet Andy Fletcher all the way from Hull.
Andy lives, works and writes in Hull. He graduated in Law but has since had a varied career as a machine operator, bus driver and currently part time worker with Social Services. He was the founder and only member of Revegtisana (Revolutionary Vegan Tigers Supporters against Nuclear Arms)! His work has appeared in various UK magazines including Bete Noire, Tears in the Fence, Iota and The Reater and was anthologised in Old City New Rumours (edited by Carol Rumens and Ian Gregson) and The Hull Connection (edited by Peter Knaggs) both 2010. His collection ‘the mile long piano’ was published by Ragged Raven Press in 2007 (www.raggedraven.co.uk)
Price: £1.00
Time: 7:30pm
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