Word Life
This event on 22nd September 2012 at 19:30 has past.
Open Mic Event
Contact: theatre@bradford.ac.uk
Roll up for the first Word Life of the season, ‘A Fantastically Entertaining Evening’ or so say The Yorkshire Post - packed to the brim with the coolest spoken word performers and musicians and a chance for you to get up and read with an open mike slot
A limited number of student tickets at £3. Call 01274 233200 or email theatre@bradford.ac.uk
get tickets at http://estore.bradford.ac.uk/browse/product.asp?catid=196&modid=1&compid=1
Featured performers
Leonie Evans: Singer and guitarist from London with progressive leanings towards jazz and folk with rich and melodious effect. She currently performs with Rae, The Mandibles, The Cakewalk Cafe Orchestra & solo. She’ll be performing a solo set with pieces from her first solo release ‘Gradually by Degrees’.
Bohdan Piasecki is a poet from Poland currently based in the UK. He has featured at some of the country’s most exciting spoken word nights (eg. Bang Said the Gun, Chill Pill, Come Rhyme with Me, Word of Mouth, Articulate) and festivals (Glastonbury, Latitude), and has completed several international poetry tours (Connect 2007, Smoke and Mirrors 2009/10, Spoke’n'Word on Tour 2011).
Ed Reiss: Award winning poet who lives and works in Bradford. He was shortlisted for the Aldeburgh First Collection Prize 2011. "Ka’aba' (from the same collection) was highly commended in the 2011 Forward Prize for Best Single Poem, and republished in the Forward Book of Poetry anthology.
Price: £8.00 / £6.00
Time: 7:30pm
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