Big Talk
This event on 30th November 2012 at 19:30 has past.
Open Mic Event
Apples and Snakes presents
Big Talk
A carnival of spoken word and poetry with open mic, national guest poets and poetry films. A chance to experience some of the most engaging, insightful and entertaining poets in the UK sharing their wit and wisdom in the intimate and atmospheric setting of the Tom Thumb Theatre.
Adam Kammerling cut his teeth at the open-mic cyphers and rap battles of the Brighton hip-hop scene. Since 2008 he has been performing spoken word across the UK and overseas. Weaving numerous voices through his own, he incorporates elements of poetry, rap, theatre and comedy to create immersive, engaging works that push the boundaries of performance poetry. His work encompasses the finer and grimier points of everyday life, celebrating the minutiae with an observant eye and a healthy dose of surreal humour.
Paula Varjack hails from Berlin, London, Washington (and other places she’s forgotten). For the last three years she has toured extensively, performing in theatres, bars, galleries and cabaret nights across Europe. Her work yields a unique fusion of lyrical storytelling and charismatic performance, often accompanied by music or video.
Open Mic
A chance to share your poetry with a supportive audience. Sign up on the door from 7pm. Open mic poets pay £3 entry.
Poetry Films.
and a poetry competition to win the featured poet's latest CD.
All compered by accidental pot-luck Rickasaurus.
When: Friday 30 November, 7.30pm (doors 7pm)
Where: Tom Thumb Theatre, Eastern Esplanade, Cliftonville, Margate, Kent CT9 2LB
Tickets: £5 / £3 open mic
Info: / 01843221791
Open mic: sign up on door
Entry: £5 / £3 open mic
Time: 7:30pm
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