The Poet Tree - Laughter
This event on 21st July 2013 at 20:00 has past.
Open Mic Event
This is the Anvil's third event, and as ever the open mic will be running, but they need you need to fill it up, so come on down early to claim your space :)
They will give you a free bottle of beer for those brave enough to get up, and you'll be warmly welcomed by a beautiful crowd.
The theme for this month is laughter.
Jonny Neesom
Local musician Jonny Neesom will be gracing this stage for the first time with songs such as "chicken pox" and "I wanna f*ck your girlfriend", he is a very talented, funny guy, a very cool tone to his voice.
Chris Coppen
Another local poet, and a very very funny guy who has graced the Freeway Poets stage regularly. A french speaking (kinda), sooty murdering, bald headed hairy faced legend!
Elvis McGonagall
Stand-up poet, armchair revolutionary and recumbent rocker, Elvis McGonagall is the sole resident of The Graceland Caravan Park somewhere in the middle of nowhere where he scribbles verse whilst drinking scotch, listening to Johnny Cash and throwing heavy objects at his portable telly.
Elvis is the 2006 World Slam Champion, the compere of the notorious Blue Suede Sporran Club and appears regularly on BBC Radio 4 (“Saturday Live”, the “Today Programme”, “Arthur Smith’s Balham Bash” and others as well as writing and presenting documentaries) and at literary and music festivals, comedy clubs and dodgy dives up and down the country. He has appeared on BBC1’s “The One Show” (his jacket clashed with the lime green sofa), BBC2’s “The Culture Show” and on Channel 4’s “Random Acts”.
A live recording of his show “One Man And His Doggerel” is available on Laughing Stock Records and a short collection of his work “Mostly Dreich” has just been published by Nasty Little Press.
Entry: £3/1 students
Time: 8:00pm
Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.
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