Launch of 'Lifting the Piano with One Hand'
This event on 13th September 2013 at 19:30 has past.
Contact: www.fluxgallerypress.or/wp
On Friday the 13th of September Gaia Holmes will be launching Lifting The Piano With One Hand, published by Comma Press, at The Flux Gallery, 16 Midland Road, Leeds, Ls6 1BQ at 7.30pm. This volume represents her much anticipated second collection which has been eagerly awaited by her ever expanding coterie of loyal fans.
As well as reading poetry and lifting a piano with one hand, Gaia will also be playing a lively ditty or two with Crowhill Stompers, her band of Wild West Yorkshire cowboys. There will be the usual convivial atmosphere and additionally I’ve been reliably informed by a little bird that a local dignitary of the Leeds poetry world will be in attendance to kickstart the evening. What more could one hope for? What more indeed!
‘More like incantation or witchcraft – these poems are spells, taking the most ordinary and mundane of things, including jokes and sadness, and working some metamorphosis on them, so they shine like stars – tiny but brilliant.’ – Sara Maitland
Entry: Free
Time: 7:30pm
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