Writers' Soc: featuring Tim Wells
This event on 8th October 2013 has past.
Open Mic Event
Contact: www.facebook.com/events/512786532141786
Our first Open Mic Night of the year - come along to read your own work in a friendly environment. All creative output is welcome, even songwriting - it's always nice to have some music to liven things up! If you don't fancy reading there is still good reason to join us, as Tim Wells will be performing as our special guest in the second half.
His work as a poet and performer has seen him touring the U.S, translated into German and Chinese, working as a guest poet on Radio London and as Writer in Residence with Tighten Up, the East London reggae sound system. His Boys' Night Out in the Afternoon (Donut Press) was shortlisted for the Forward Prize for Best First Collection in 2006. His most recent publication is Rougher Yet (Donut Press, 2009).
If you don't intend to read, and would rather enjoy others' performances, there will be a small £3 entry fee. This year we will be placing some of the proceeds behind the bar to help lubricate the evening.
Slots are 5 minutes maximum, a rule which WILL be enforced! You have been warned.
Sign up begins at 7pm, arrive early to ensure your slot. Performances will begin at 7:30pm on the dot.
Looking forward to seeing you all for a great evening.
Entry: £3 performers free
Time: 7:00 for 7:30pm
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