Stand By For Tape Back-Up PLUS Read Our Lips
This event on 5th March 2014 at 19:00 has past.
Articulate brings you the best in cross-artform experiments with spoken word. This edition features a double bill – we start with a screening of the finalists in our annual Read Our Lips Filmpoem Competition, a selection of eight pieces by poets who have used film to invest their work with additional meaning. With a prize of £100 up for grabs, standards should be high!
We then welcome Ross Sutherland with his show Stand By For Tape Back-Up. Using nothing but found-footage from a videotape belonging to his Granddad, Ross attempts to draw out his entire life story, synchronising words, second-for-second, with the images behind him. Fragments from old films and TV shows are looped, destroyed, and then re-built into a powerful audio-visual poem on memory, death and reruns.
Ross Sutherland is a Time Out Award winner with poetry collective Aisle 16 and former The Times’ Literary Star of the Year. His work has been featured on BBC2’s Newsnight Review and BBC Radio 1, 3 and 4.
“The effect is hypnotic, simultaneously soothing and rousing, the language ripe and bright… This a wonderfully layered piece, touching, funny and linguistically thrilling; a show which works on a whole host of levels, a show threaded with modern madeleines and great, green ghosts in the machine.” Exeunt Magazine
Entry: £10/ £7
Time: 7:00pm
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