This event on 26th March 2014 at 20:00 has past.
Contact: norwichartscentre.co.uk/events/martin-figura-whistle; 01603 660352
Martin Figura was nine years old, his father killed his mother. Whistle is a spoken word depiction of a post-war British childhood using poetry, family photographs and striking visuals, based on his award-winning poetry collection. Figura explores themes of identity, forgiveness, loss, adoption and family with insight and gentle humour, to tell a unique coming-of-age story, which is both profound and uplifting.
The show began its journey at Norwich Arts Centre where it was developed in 2010. It has since toured festivals and theatres for 4 years to great acclaim. This is the last scheduled show, after close to 60 performances.
Price: £8.00 / £6.00
Time: 8:00pm
Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.
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