A Firm Of Poets
This event on 30th October 2014 at 19:30 has past.
Contact: afirmofpoets@gmail.com
A Firm Of Poets return to the wonderful Queenie's Coffee Shop Huddersfield for an evening of spoken word entertainment.
Fresh from launching their début anthology 'Holding Your Hand Through Hard Times', The Firm have come a remarkable distance since first appearing at Queenie's last October.
Your poets from the evening will be Abbott, Dartford, Darwin, Stoppard and Walsh. And seeing as it's pretty much Halloween, Token Goth Walsh will be presenting.
No trainers. Some audience participation. Not all poems rhyme. Any questions?
"These are poems that stop traffic, consider themselves ruined, pump blood, throw out all the love songs and write them from scratch. They are 'brave as a robin in hail’, full of words that will ‘hold / you through / the hard times.' Dive in." - Helen Mort
"This is proper, visceral stuff about real life. Poetry for the rest of us. Long live The Firm." Luke Wright
"this is a fucking brilliant collection of poems and i don't do flattery" - Mike Garry
"A Firm of Poets provides an evening's entertainment full of charm, warmth and humour in equal measure - not to be missed." - Porl Cooper, Slung Low Theatre
Price: £3.00
Time: 7:30pm
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