The Best of Bunbury Fundraiser and Charity Do!
This event on 24th April 2015 at 20:00 has past.
Open Mic Event
We would like to do a book launch in honour of The Best of Bunbury. If you pledge to help us, you will be helping us do this. We want to make a whole event of readings from people we have published, music, comedy and general hijinks! There will even be games with prizes on offer. There will be much merriment!
The donations will go a a long way to helping us bring all the elements together, from venue hire to helping our dear Bunburyists come along from all the far flung places they reside.
So come on, be an active Bunburyist and help us make our two year anniversary spectacular.
Also, anything we raise raise over our target will be donated to a as-yet-to-be-named charity. We're open to suggestions!
We are also open to music slots and comedy so get in touch with us on to ask about performing and keep in touch with us on Twitter @MagazineBunbury
Entry: Free on the door
Time: 8:00pm
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