The Dan Pells Show Season FInale
This event on 6th May 2015 at 19:00 has past.
Contact: 386-846-7966
Featured performers will be Kevin Campbell of DeLand, and Mary-Ann Westbrook of Ormond Beach. Joining them will be jazz singer, Lorale, known for her stylish musical phrasings.
Campbell, famous for his sonorous baritone voice as well as his social commentary, is the founder and host of MACDeLand Poetry Slams. Westbrook, is the secretary of the Florida State Poets Association and president of the Tomoka Poets. Pels, himself, jokes and performs bilingually in French and English. The evening takes on the tone of a Parisian salon with “free-form” poems and stories. Lorale is glad when members of the audience dance to her songs.
Wine-Me offers a wide selection of the world’s wines starting at $4 per glass. The event is sponsored by the Creative Happiness Institute, and is open to the public, free. For more information about the Dan Pels Poetry Show, call him at 386-846-7966. To contact the store, call 386-871-7769.
Entry: Free
Time: 7:00pm
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