Luke Wright's Stay At Home Dandy
This event on 8th October 2015 at 19:00 has past.
Open Mic Event
At this year's Edinburgh Fringe, Luke Wright scooped a Fringe First Award from The Scotsman as well as one of The Stage's Acting Excellence awards.
ArtfulScribe and Southampton Libraries are thrilled to present Luke's show 'Stay at Home Dandy' as part of this year's National Poetry Day celebrations.
The night will include a limited number of Open Mic spaces for people to share their poems and performance from a local poet prior to Luke's headline set.
Here's what others have to say about that:
“Starched cravat and vampish slap / Stay-at-Home Dandy – what a chap!”
Decadent boozehound Luke Wright would love to spend his life flouncing around looking fabulous, but back in suburbia he’s got two kids to drag-up. Enough naval-gazing then, other people can be magic.
There’s comedy on the school run; tragedy in the offy; hearts breaking behind tasteful curtains. Wright presents captivating stories in visceral verse of ordinary people having extraordinary moments. Poems that get you in the gut.
“His lexical acrobatics are astounding, often motor-mouthed and breathtakingly honest…Go for the wordsmithery, stay for the painful poignancy.” The List
“Wright perfectly captures the glamourless pulse of mainstream Britain and transforms it into rhythmic, transcendental beauty…Quite simply, this is the future of popular poetry.” The Skinny
At EjectorSeat festival in Southampton in 2013, Luke captivated a park-load of people with a mesmerising performance of Essex Lion. We're delighted to welcome him back to the city, and to save Hampshire residents the cost of a train fare to Edinburgh.
Tickets available here priced £7 with concessions available.
Price: £7.00
Time: 7:00pm
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