Working Title
This event on 24th November 2015 at 19:30 has past.
Open Mic Event
Another month, another Working Title!
This months event will be the last of the year, and we have two amazing guests coming to entertain us.
First we have the brilliant Robert Garnham. It's fair to say that he will be amongst our furthest travelled guests, coming up from Paignton to take part. Robert is a delight to see perform, and his work keeps you hooked, especially his piece Poem... see for yourself on the night.
Our second guest is the fabulous Ronnie Leek. He has performed previously at Working Title on our open-mic, and it's wonderful to have him come back as a guest performer. Ronnie is also a finalist in the Word War 2 slam in December, and a regular at Evidently in Salford.
As usual we have our open-mic. Spots are available on the night from 19.30 and are approx 3mins. If you are travelling from outside the Lancaster/Morecambe area, there are a couple of open-mic spots that can be reserved, message me to book one.
This promises to be another great night, and I hope to see you there!
Entry: free
Time: 7:30pm
Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.
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