Launch of PLU Magazine
This event on 23rd March 2016 at 20:00 has past.
Open Mic Event
On Wednesday 23rd March we're helping the fantastic Paris-based group Paris Lit Up to launch their third annual arts magazine here in the UK. We're holding the launch in collaboration with Neil Willis' music night at the Keystone, so it's going to be a great evening of poetic and musical entertainment.
Emily Ruck-Keene, one of the organisers of the weekly poetry night at Culture Rapide in Belleville, Paris, is bringing over a group of writers whose work is published in this year's PLU#3 magazine.
Neil is sharing his regular weekly music gig at the Keystone for this special event, performing his reggae style poetry, and there's an open mic for poets and musicians. It all starts at 8pm and it's free.
And it's two-for-one Burger Night at the Keystone too - amazing and delicious value in home-made burgers from £4.99 for two! Come and join us - what's not to like?
Find out more about Paris Lit Up on their website here:
Entry: free
Time: 8:00pm
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