Jackie Hagan's Some People Have Too Many Legs
This event on 26th May 2016 at 19:00 has past.
Contact: oldham.library@oldham.gov.uk
Some People Have Too Many Legs by Jackie Hagan. A multi award winning poetic comedy (with bonus depth and special effects) about making the shit stuff in life work to your advantage.
In 2013 Jackie Hagan got dead sick and went into hospital, she came out 5 months later with one less leg, a *bit* more maturity, and friends in the shape of Edna (a narky old woman who looks like a threadbare tennis ball); a nurse with a hen party for a face, and Miles, one of those boys who grips the end of his sleeves so his feelings can't get out.
Ch4 are filming this for a small documentary on people who make disability work for them, so be sure to bring you "Hiya Mam!" banner to hold up :P
Tickets: www.eventbrite.com/e/livethelibrary-jackie-hagan-some-people-have-too-many-legs-tickets-24321226443
Price: £5.00
Time: 7:00pm
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