3rd Festival of Suffolk Poetry
This event on 28th May 2016 has past.
Open Mic Event
Contact: festival@suffolkpoetrysociety.org.uk
The 3rd Festival of Suffolk Poetry features three workshops in the morning. In the afternoon we once again bring together the Poetry Cafés from across Suffolk to demonstrate and share their wares.We will also welcome students from UCS and Suffolk One.
In the evening we have some special delights. We kick off in the company of three generations of poets from the Davis family of Felixstowe.
We then hear from Mervyn Linford and his partner Clare Harvey, both fine poets who are on the whole best described as pastoral. Mervyn can claim that in particular as one of his poems was for a considerable time used to introduce Countryfile on BBC4.
Next we take a break from poetry readings as we have In Conversation With, hosted by Doug Coombes. This year Doug is joined by Rodney Pybus and Lorna Tracy, both residents of Sudbury. Lorna was the wife of Jon Silkin, a notable British poet of the last century, and Rodney was his colleague and friend. Jon Silkin started Stand! magazine, which still publishes. They will discuss Silkin and his work.
Next we have Myra Schneider, a well-respected and much-loved poet.
The day ends with Suffolk’s own Dean Parkin, long associated with the Aldeburgh Poetry Festival. Dean will be accompanied in part by the pianist Maurice Horhut.
There are various discounts on tickets depending on whether you are a member of Suffolk Poetry Society (SPS) or not, and whether you are staying for all or part of the day.
If you are staying all day (or you are attending a workshop), then get all of your tickets here http://tickets.suffolkpoetrysociety.org.uk/?p=244, otherwise you can buy your tickets securely here http://tickets.suffolkpoetrysociety.org.uk/?p=240. Don’t forget to give your name and address so that we can send your tickets, or bring your proof of purchase to the festival.
Entry: £30 all day
Time: 10:00
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