Reading The Other
This event on 21st July 2016 at 19:00 has past.
Open Mic Event
The Other is a brand-new Manchester monthly literary night where writers swap words. We have had some really successful nights across the city over the last three months - Sand Bar in April, Proof in May (for the Chorlton Arts Festival) and Blackwell's in June (for Independent Bookseller's Week).
Our night is about making connections and embracing The Other - as writers, when we trust someone else enough to read our work, and as audiences, when we hear creative work divorced from the identity and personality of its writer.
In light of the political turmoil we currently all find ourselves in, we believe that this concept of embracing 'The Other' has become more important than ever. Manchester is a vibrant, multicultural, major European city. We know, now more than ever, that this fact needs to be celebrated and defended.
So we want July's night to be different - a celebration of 'The Other', whatever that word means.
For the first time, The Other is going to be an Open Mic night.
The work doesn't have to be explicitly political or about 'Otherness', and it doesn't even have to be your own work. We'd also love to hear from non-writers who could read the work of their favourite poet.
If you want a 4-minute slot, please email us at by Thursday 14th July.
We are especially interested in bilingual readers presenting something using languages other than English, and people who have never been to or read at spoken word nights before. But we are hoping not to say no to anybody at all.
We also want to give you an opportunity to participate in The Other's concept. So you can either:
1. Email saying that you would prefer to read your own piece and have a 4 minute slot.
2. Email saying you would be happy to be paired at random with another reader for a joint 8-minute slot. The pairings will go out on 14th July, giving the two of you a week to decide how you want to present - you could read each other's work, or do something jointly - up to you.
Even if you don't want to read, we hope to see you at Apotheca on 21st July to celebrate diversity, community and Manchester's continuing status as a world city.
Entry: FREE
Time: 7:00pm
Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.
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