Conversations avec Abdellatif Laabi
This event on 20th February 2018 at 14:00 has past.
Contact: Anne-Sophie Gabillas (0)1865 274220
2.30 Opening: Jane Hiddleston (Exeter College, Oxford)
2.45-3.45 Reading Abdellatif Laabi today
Chair: Toby Garfitt (Magdalen College, Oxford)
Andy Stafford, University of Leeds
'The Sun Himself Must Die'. Dialectique du solaire dans le 'premier' Abdellatif Laabi
Khalid Lyamlahy, St Anne's College, Oxford
'Lire et écrire sous les lumières d'Abdellatif Laâbi'
3.45-4.15 Conversation with Jocelyne Laabi
Interviewer: Khalid Lyamlahy, St Anne's College, Oxford
4.15-4.45 Coffee break
4.45-5.30 Keynote talk by Abdellatif Laabi
Chair: Catriona Seth (All Souls College, Oxford)
5.30-6.00 Closing remarks & Book signing
Price: £0.00
Time: 2:00pm
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