Sex, Shame an Problematic Ancestry in Queer Poetry
This event on 6th June 2018 at 19:00 has past.
Sex, Shame and Problematic Ancestry in Queer Poetry with Richard Scott and Keith Jarrett. Hosted by Eleanor Penny.
We are very excited to announce poets Richard Scott and Keith Jarrett will be reading at the Summer Locomotrix alongside Housmans Poet-in-Residence Eleanor Penny.
Richard will be reading from his critically acclaimed collection 'Soho' (published by Faber) and Keith will be reading from his collection 'Selah'. They will be joined by Eleanor to explore the theme of (often problematic) literary gay ancestry and how sex and shame have influenced their work. This is an event not to be missed!
Keith Jarrett:
Former UK and Rio International slam champion, Keith Jarrett is a PhD scholar at Birkbeck University where he is completing his first novel. His monologue, Safest Spot in Town, aired on BBC 4 last summer. His book of poetry, Selah, was published in 2017.
Richard Scott:
Richard Scott was born in London in 1981. His pamphlet Wound (Rialto) won the Michael Marks Poetry Award 2016 and his poem 'Crocodile' won the 2017 Poetry London Competition. Soho (Faber & Faber) is his first book.
Eleanor Penny:
Eleanor Penny is a writer, poet and journalist. She's the online editor at Red Pepper, a senior editor at Novara Media, and Housmans Writer-in-Residence 2018.
Price: £3.00
Time: 7:00pm
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