Co-op Writers York Workshop
This event on 4th November 2018 at 14:30 has past.
Scribblers ahoy!
Co-op Writers York are holding a writers workshop at The Eagle & Child on High Petergate in York on Sunday, 4th November from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
As I type this email there is a room on the first floor, entered opposite the first flight of stairs, at the back of the building, set aside for us.
The whole of the workshop will be given over to airing and appraisal of work you have brought along for criticism. Participants are asked to give supportive and constructive criticism to work shared by others.
A writing exercise may be introduced to stir up the proceedings, but not at the expense of any work anyone has brought along. Your work has pride of place.
Please try to bring 5 or 6 copies to share with other participants.
Please try to limit the word count to a maximum of 2,000 words or not more than four sides of A4.
Please bring £2 if you're waged, otherwise £1.
Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, 4th November, from 2.30 until 5.30 in the afternoon.
Keep scribbling!
Entry: £2 waged, otherwise £1
Time: 2:30pm (Ends 17.30)
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