Co-op Writers York Workshop
This event on 7th July 2019 at 17:30 has past.
Scribblers ahoy!
We are close to the middle of the year, midsummer is barely passed and yet my brother observed wearily last Saturday evening that the days were now shortening.
However, Sunday, 7th July, date of the next writers workshop, will still be long and it should still be light when we close at 8.30, having begun at 5.30.
I hope we can use the same room as this month, the backroom on the first floor, entrance by a doorway slightly to the right, opposite the top of the first flight of stairs.
No presentations, so we will proceed with the material participating writers bring along.
As usual, please bring 3 or 4 copies of the work you want to air and share, not to exceed 2,000 words or four sides of A4, and £2 if you're a wage-earner, otherwise only £1.
A writing exercise may be added to the mix, if there is a lull in the proceedings, but not at the expense of considering anyone's work.
Looking forward to seeing and earing you and your work.
Price: £2.00. (£2 (£1 unwaged))
Time: 5:30pm (Ends at 20.30)
Note: Write Out Loud does its best to ensure the accuracy of event listings but can accept no liability or responsibility if it's just plain wrong.
Use calendar to view other instances of this event and find out when it is next on.
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