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Where Does The Time Go To
{Where Does The Time Go To}
As I reflect back on my childhood and then as a teenager and now as a adult and time is fastly slipping away on that slippery slope and there's no way to slow it down
And soon what has been waiting us will catch up with us in the end
And death is calling out our names of course
And I have so much to show for my life but ...
Thursday 7th December 2017 7:47 pm
Danse Macabre
Too much was lost in silence
too long the time that winds
between our words of love and passion
with communion only in our minds
Too much assumed in union
of our two souls' mute desires
but I did not see her inmost needs
or hear how quietly pain suspires
I should have peeped inside
while she nightly dreamed in peace
to glimpse her mind's apparel
as it dan...
Wednesday 22nd November 2017 2:14 pm
I'll get back to you
Five words can be all it takes to set your mind at ease for a while.
Great, I'm not forgotten you'll think.
I am of interest.
But time passes.
Time heals all wounds?
Time brings with it opportunity for worry.
Time is the enemy of the impatient.
Time feeds the anxious like oxygen feeds a flame, fuelling the panic until it burns so brightly it consumes everything in it...
Monday 20th November 2017 5:17 pm
Death Is The Only Song
As the sun slowly slides
through a quickly capsizing sky
you laugh at me for taking photographs
for wanting to record this way of things
do you not feel that this is temporary
do you believe there won't be a different way
These are precious moments
these are precious moments
in our short lives
And with each day that ends
I feel a larger ending
creeping closer
and with each dusk de...
Tuesday 17th October 2017 3:49 pm
Angel to ghost
I go
the night cold
heavy heart torn
rain hails bones
brutal ache my mistake
always alone
always alone
trying trying
to go back in time
to a place in my mind
paradise denied
burning inside
blue ice fire
cracks a pain so deep
only sounds like these
evoke awake demons
buried brittle knees
signal transmits
a radio waves
echo cellos past
Saturday 14th October 2017 5:25 am
My head is full of numbers,
my heart is full of dread
if I go from black to blue
all the rhymes
will come out new.
Red bleeds to yellow
and all the numbers are blue
the three comes in threes and
makes the nine incomplete and
the moon tells the secrets
I'm not meant to keep
it's a message of the future
and the past complete.
A half yellow star sharp
pierces my art.
The ...
Thursday 21st September 2017 5:39 pm
Going to die if I can't write
the moon is falling falling
out the sky time is blind
the night flies by,
wind screams sin,
a howling white oblivion
time time time
ticks ticks ticks
tick tock
tick tock
dust to rock to dust
partial particles
squared and triangled
falling fearless
into the blue
I follow the rainbow
rabbit skips
the echo drips
upside down
Wednesday 6th September 2017 10:26 pm
Time is infinite now
music carries the essence
of a soul like an echo inside
repeating rhythmically
drumming through history
thud thud thud comes the love
blue red is my blood
blue was the colour
I caught from above
like a train in my brain
acid rain stains colour
reclaims the lights flash
either side a fairground ride
alive inside my mind
feels always like
I'm crashing...
Thursday 31st August 2017 3:00 am
Not on my side. Biding.
Race against. Relations
With time are contrary.
I’d have plenty, do what
I’d like; disappointed,
I must use time wisely,
Lest I run out. Demands
On mine mean diaries
Show choc-a-block days, no
Time for self amidst my
Commitments. Spacing out
Appointments, setting time
Aside to use as my
Own, I run short. Only
So ...
Sunday 6th August 2017 10:09 am
Time stretched as she faded;
Lengthened, folded in on time
Extended, never ended.
Eternity must have seemed
An earthly hell
Peopled intermittently by friends:
A nightmare dream of pain and daemons
What superhuman will
Kept her through those summer months
What need, desire or wish
Held death's sad end at bay?
In the end, fading faded
Light left, sy...
Thursday 3rd August 2017 9:42 am
Looking Back
Present — past
Past — gone
Looking back and remembering the yesterdays
Is wrong.
Where is NOW?
Where is it?
Living in the THEN…
No, that’s not NOW, not it!
The ghost of yesterday
Is in mind
But looking back
Is the NOW you’ll never find.
Thursday 3rd August 2017 12:57 am
Time to Rhyme and Say Hello
I looked at my computer and saw your name at the top,
Write Out Loud, and I had to stop.
It has been a while...since last I wrote,
I thought I would stop, and blog a note.
The clocks are are all chiming,
While I do my best at rhyming.
I have not really got much to say...
So, I guess I'll be on my way.
Hello, and goodbye... I hope you all have a great day!
Thursday 20th July 2017 3:25 pm
When life is but a dream
There exists a time
between sleeping and wake
when only the night owls stir
the street lights flicker to candle light
& nothing but absent thoughts whir.
Reality becomes but a stencil
as the dreamers direct their scape
the black bats cry a warning sound
2 minutes ‘til the curtain calls fate.
As all the possibles become truths -
between broken sparks that are woven together
lost begi...
Tuesday 4th July 2017 11:31 am
I find that I must live in a world
Where, between that desperate dusk and a new dawn,
And between many a dawn and its dusk,
The only reality lies in love.
To be in love in that first dawn
And in the dusk, was to feel the sun
Warm our very passion every minute of every hour,
Reality lay only in the other.
And beyond that dreadful dusk, nothing
but dawns and dusk and ...
Wednesday 28th June 2017 4:13 pm
I was waiting
for the rain to stop
for the sun to shine
in the rising moon
for a sign
for the light
to set fire
to the rhyme
inside my mind
so I can forget myself
and fall out of time.
Sunday 4th June 2017 12:19 am
Time heals
tends to peel away the pain
calms your brain
stops you from going insane
takes the rain and turns it into sunshine.
If you give it time your world will grow
beautiful flowers
provide long hours
of joy.
By Lynn Hahn
Saturday 27th May 2017 10:58 pm
On my way
Excuse me sir, how long
till Central Station?
Thirty. Five. Minutes.
Thirty five. Another hour
Or day springs open abyss
Before me, that is, before us
Before I can rest my hand on your shoulder
And pretend not to expect you there
Or you me.
These minutes are unlike any other
Minute I’ve known on earth
They are viscous, solid,
Friday 12th May 2017 4:41 pm
I want my little girl back
Back from the woes and worries she holds
Back to the days of freedom and fun
When we could wake carefree and calm and cuddling
Time will get us there, but it will take time
But time we have and time we've had
Deep memories of times to cherish and nourish
Forward looking of times to come
When our lives will have peace and the world can stop churnin...
Tuesday 9th May 2017 6:35 pm
Far away.
Beyond Hills. Plains. Mountain's peaks.
Across far horizons.
Way far.
Is where I'm from.
My origin.
Distant. In time and space.
Unreachable solace-source.
Safety-craving yearns memory.
Evokes distance.
Inspires trance-thought flashback.
My homeland.
Filled with heart-sing reminiscence-provoking sights, sounds - the scent of security.
Sun-shining ...
Monday 1st May 2017 10:05 am
Closet Space
I am at my best
when I have nothing left
for there is nothing to lose.
Fear is a coffin,
can bury you alive.
Never be afraid to die
for after life comes the light
and all inside fly.
Life is a journey,
a fucked up maze,
dark dark days
much penance to pay,
happy is in the chase.
Opulence will end you
but death will set you free.
A pure heart does flutter
to the green ...
Friday 17th February 2017 3:29 am
A memory
Did you feel that stretch?
when time went soft,
expanding over us
How odd we should be here,
So different
yet the same
But you didn't feel that stretch,
when reality got bent in...
the bulging supple arc
connecting two spaces
across ages
So time hardened again
and the world washed over,
swallowing me
Wednesday 8th February 2017 7:23 pm
Creation's Quantum
Time took the whole.
What I thought was mine.
Swallowed up.
We share this moment with all creation.
One quantum between all of us.
Creation's quantum.
I believed experience to be whole.
I have only fragments.
And those are, at best, images and feelings.
Time eats us.
Swallows us whole.
And when all's said and done.
We leave with nothing.
Save knowing that we'...
Friday 3rd February 2017 5:41 pm
On paths
On paths we cross,
threads connecting
in place
Our alignments tangle
in a web
of time
Flashes trapped
as water drops
on glass
When day closes,
our vapour trails
I trace
Those moments in place,
roll like ripples
on a lake
Those places in time,
held like snow globes
in my mind
Tuesday 31st January 2017 9:03 pm
After A Break Up
After a breakup, pain may linger with you a while,
but one morning you will wake once more with a smile,
Until that time comes write notes to throw away,
notes that hold your pain, to leave you free one day,
There's no clock with the means to predict the date,
don't let heartbreak turn love over to the icy grip of hate,
for positive feelings are those we all seek in our liv...
Thursday 26th January 2017 11:13 am
Such a rush
don't be late
Think they'll wait?
Start on time
is their rhyme
The world tries to be
on schedule
Till Mother Nature
steps in
and does her thing
and such
Not much
Man can do with that
So who's in control?
We may think we are
We're not...
By Lynn Hahn
Monday 23rd January 2017 12:40 am
A Book of Hours
This poem came to me after a visit to London, where I was thunderstruck by the scale and beauty of the restored Reading Room at the British Museum. I was also wrestling with Existentialism at the time.
A Book of Hours
There was Time when its Arrow
flowed like a ticking clock
as it carved the future from the past
like a blind sculptor in one dimension
Saturday 14th January 2017 12:32 pm
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