The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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ray pool

Updated: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 04:53 pm

raypool newborn poet

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God, or what passes for it has now fleshed out my EFIT profile and this is what I have found out. My face has many expressions, as does my writing, and in consequence will try anything more than once - in fact constantly. I spent much of my life as a pro pianist, during which time my opinions of people as largely deluded lunatics has been confirmed. I should know - I'm one of them, though one should never take oneself seriously - should one? Writing poetry has been a constant activity throughout and now having retired I am delighted to be able to spent lots of time pursuing that and also reading live. I have had two pamphlets published called "A History nailed down" and "Tales of the Unaccepted" by Dempsey and Windle. I have an ability for mimicking voices and accents and often enjoy using them for live readings. I think poetry should uplift or inform, not depress and dull us down, unless it informs us of genuine issues, in which case it should not be over indulgent; just my opinion. That's me damned of course. At my late age I don't have to fit the EFIT anymore. I do try to keep a sense of wonder, though it gets harder. Thanks to all who took the trouble to read.


Amateur Musicians They straddled the bar big men all. I looked up to them as from afar. They talked of mouthpieces brass technique, perfection sought with breath in their cheek and huff in their puff following through with their lip speak. Embouchure, bores everyone that was their way of having fun. UP AND OVER. Climbing the hill can make you ill but try it anyway, to see what's on the other side. Make the effort, then let God decide. POST INDUSTRIALIZATION "There's trouble at 'Mill" someone said so they closed it down. Those who had the means got out of town. WISE MEN Where are the wise men when we need them? Packing in their lucrative jobs to serve the Lord, to put on cassocks in fine and respectful fettle, in celestial splendour, living off the investments of gold, frankincense and myrrh and the pretence of miracles, to which they appeared to defer.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by ray pool


PAST CONTENDERS (06/09/2019)

MY FATHER WALKS (23/08/2019)

THE SANDS OF TIME (18/08/2019)

TIES THAT BIND (09/08/2019)


TIES THAT BIND (18/07/2019)


SUMMER SEASON (08/07/2019)


More audio from ray pool…

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 10th Nov 2021 15:15

Hi Ray - Not sure about your message of the 1st November just
read. My only recall is of a purchase way back and that seems to
be connected with my message seen in your list of messages dated 7th February last. However, I will go to my Paypal
account, not least to check payments in general - and come
back to you. Cheers, Mark

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Laura Taylor

Thu 10th Jun 2021 11:01

Hello lovely man, how are you? I hope you're managing to keep your chin above water after the longest hardest winter I've ever known.

Much love to you, thanks for dropping by and taking the time to read and comment ? x

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 7th Feb 2021 17:13

Hello Ray - I sent you a reply via WOL about obtaining an online
copy of your photobook, but have not received a reply. Did you
receive it?

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 3rd Feb 2021 21:55

Hello Ray

I finally got round to putting the Essex poem on the blog!

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jennifer Malden

Sun 8th Nov 2020 10:45

Hi Ray! Have to catch up on your writing, as it is always well worth it, and I have missed a lot. Been in the throes of trying to manage Zoom for teaching, -webinars, courses and tutorials on Utube. Some of those spoke such weird English I needed the text!!!! One girl kept on talking bout the Zoom 'porrl', and being notoriously thick, it took me a few minutes to realise she meant the Zoom Portal!!!!! The tragic thing is that I am supposed to be teaching English! Hope you haven't been Copvided even in a minor fashion. Am getting really bored with not being able to go anywhere much, although one shouldn't complain, when one thinks what the hospital staff are coping with. Here more than 700, doctors, nurses and paramedics died in the spring go.

All the best, Jennifer

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Tue 29th Sep 2020 01:08

Thanks Ray.... If I hear "We are Sailing" ever on the radio I throw it out the window... same goes for "Don't Cry For Me Argentina".

I have a hate from those days... The BBC. They announced we would attack Goose Green and the Argie moved 1000 more men into positions, same with their ordinance, their bombs were not going off, loads of ships were hit including mine and the bomb failed to explode, they were fucking up the timing on the detonator. The fucking BBC actually announced that... next thing you know Brit ships were blowing up all over the shop.

My other piece of anger is Colonel "H" Jones 2 Para (VC). He shouldn't have been there, he was "Sunray", Battalion commander, his place was safe back with his maps and radios and tea. Instead he took it upon himself to assault Argy machine gun positions across very open ground, I've seen it, and eighteen of his men and him got killed. "Sunray is down" over the radio left two Para headless, the one man with the whole battles cape in his head played the hero, lost and left his Battalion leaderless, he went against military doctrine and training. Had he lived he should have been court martialled! I was told by a 2 para combat medic he had two British rounds in his back. Someone had sense.

Fortunately Major Chris Keeble was his number two, ex SAS and a brilliant soldier, he was able to get a picture, put things back together and won in the end.

The other thing no one ever mentions is the Argentinians were disgraceful, they literally shit everywhere, in Stanly they shit in drawers, cabinets, wardrobes, in all their positions in the field, it took ages to clean up that filth. I don't know why but they did it.

Everyone thought the Argy pilots were real heroes, they couldn't fly at full speed couldn't manoeuvre, they were so low on fuel if they got caught up in heavy manoeuvring to dodge missiles and aa fire, they would run out of fuel on the way home, this made our Harriers look far better than they were! In fact it was two Harrier pilots told me that. Everyone respected them because despite that, and their heavy loses they just kept coming.Amazing courage.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 14th Jul 2020 02:12

Hi Ray - apropos your comment and its inclusion of Grenfell Tower on "Sutures and Futures", it has been given a racial slant by a black QC at the current enquiry hearing. How easy it is to make this type of
aspersion - as if the emergency personnel might have agreed to
some "selective" response! No positive recognition that a valuable
portion of social housing in central London seemed occupied almost completely by those originating from outside these islands rather
than those in need from the indigenous English/British population.
The tragedy originating in one of the flats seems to have allowed this to be overshadowed and ignored. Something about road, hell and
good intentions comes to mind.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 21st Mar 2020 16:39

Hi Ray - the Venner name in my family appears to have a history in
the Essex(Havering) area so, who knows? there may be a distant
connection. The name itself has variations - like Fenner and Vanner,
that go back centuries when spelling was hardly a precise exercise.

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jennifer Malden

Sat 1st Feb 2020 18:23

Hi Ray, back from the dead!!! Not quite dead funnily enough, but flu - whole family even with the jab. Then Christmas with shopping /cooking etc. When I needed them, my computer, dishwasher, and washing machine all went on the blink, (that phrase is a bit of a giveaway)!!! Then to top it all my ..!!!!!!!!!........... husband fell, (entirely his own fault, I say nastily), cracked several ribs, and has behaved like a grizzly with a sore head ever since! As if that wasn't enough, had to cope with a son's legal separation. Whew!!!!!!!
Any way all moused up again and ready to go.

Liked your Masterplan one, but what fell deed or deeds is it referring to? Problem is I can think of so many!

with affection, Jennifer

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 11th Jan 2020 14:24

You are always a delight!

I'm 'not with it'. What does EFIT mean?

If I knew how to do it, I'd post a black and white photo of myself at twenty-five. I know you'd enjoy it, as I do yours: the older person shining through youth.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 24th Nov 2019 20:13

p o r t r a i t

by Tommy Carroll
Wednesday 20th November 2019 9:52 pm

Cheers Ray


Sat 16th Nov 2019 03:19

follow your wife's advice-
you can't go wrong!

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 14th Nov 2019 22:40

Ray you are correct. I stand corrected. Correction is the side-street to drunken doorways.


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Tommy Carroll

Sat 9th Nov 2019 17:27

Indeed Ray indeed.

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 30th Oct 2019 17:02

"The grindstone that wears a man into a polished version of himself."

Excellent Ray.

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Thu 24th Oct 2019 19:20

Thanks for the comment on Love Me it was I wrote it after a hip operation


Tue 15th Oct 2019 23:44

Thank you Ray - Nut Hatch - appreciative of your kind comments. P. ?

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Thu 10th Oct 2019 16:49

Thanks for the comment on Cooling Towers, Ray. Very much appreciated, as always. T

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Dominic James

Sat 28th Sep 2019 20:42

Hi Ray, thanks for comments on El Dorado: dodgy is in there, best

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 23rd Sep 2019 22:37

thanks for welcoming me back (again) Ray - glad you liked True Nature. As usual - you totally 'got it' ?

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Aug 2019 15:40

Hi Ray - you didn't say when you made a visit to West End Central
but the descriptions seemed to match a certain time. Who knows...if
you'd visited its opposite West End number up the road in Marylebone (just off Oxford Street) we might have met !!! A lot of
water has passed under the bridge since those days but the memories remain.


Wed 21st Aug 2019 13:14

thanks Raypool. ?

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David Cooke

Tue 13th Aug 2019 18:40

Thanks, Ray, for your kind words on 'Man on a Wire'. David

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 11th Aug 2019 13:54

Truely Ray
"The grindstone that wears a man into a polished version of himself."
Is most beautifully put.

"school holidays..."

(is that an Alan Benett...voice?)


Mon 5th Aug 2019 23:52

you get your coat.
I'll get your goat!

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jennifer Malden

Fri 2nd Aug 2019 15:59

Hi again Ray! About Nihilistic Poem- only just clicked!!!! Confess to being a 'cabeza di cocco'. Had a laugh anyway. Jennifer

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jennifer Malden

Fri 2nd Aug 2019 15:19

Hi Ray! so sorry about all the fuss over 'tiredly'. I didn't read your comment, but I would have thought it was quite normal to suggest it didn't exist - np at all.
Loved your 'Genesis' am still seeing the despairing face beneath the ice - such an unusual image. Will get nihilistic when have time, or start quackling - if easier!
By the way, things have picked up, I would say - referring to the graffiti period.


Fri 2nd Aug 2019 13:55

Tech is easy
if you're young-
if old
it only adds

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 20th Jul 2019 22:52

Thank you Ray - for all of those words - Ymmot


Thu 11th Jul 2019 12:04

Thanks for reading and commenting on my poem.
Always good to hear from the cool Raypool!

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