The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.


They loved to do the Palais glide

now it seems they've let things slide,

both recline with swollen ankles,

the slightest conversation wrankles.


Medals line their mantelpiece

a programme cover displaying Grease,

there's still a space where costumes hang

they wore to sing doo lang a lang.


Their style and flair caused much kerfuffle,

now they can barely do the shuffle.

Their presence a whiff of snobbish disdain,

now other smells confirm a stain.


Saturday's a special day

with ecstasy not far away

'cause Strictly's on the box tonight

then everything will seem alright.







Devon Brock

Wed 11th Sep 2019 23:59

Thank you Ray. I appreciate your work, particularly this one, as it strikes a chord.

Bryan, I have not off loaded any back catalogue here. That stuff is all packed up and unread by me or any other. Everything that I posted was "on the hoof", as you say.

With that, and with a nod to Ray,

I'll take my coat.


<Deleted User> (18980)

Wed 11th Sep 2019 23:03

Ray - apologies to go off at a tangent but as you mentioned Devon I would like to say something about him and about contributors in general. I could be wrong, but it appears in retrospect that Devon was here to download his back catalogue as many have done before him, and having done so he has gone taking his work with him. It's a pity he didn't stay as he is very talented and I am sure he is able to write poems 'on the hoof' so to speak as many of us do.

I also note that el Pintor has gone.

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Wed 11th Sep 2019 22:53

With Devon now no longer a member of the site it seems that the title of this poem is peculiarly apt. I feel that in his honour as a vigorous contributor he deserves a response however. Devon, I have spent years as a pro musician too and this has a poignancy for me getting to know different aspects of show business and the music world. I hope you might read this. Thank you and goodnight.

You are right to spot sadness here Adam, behind the social aspect of the aspirations a sort of failure exists. There can be an overlapping of comedy and drama both of which can portray failure or success. Thanks.

Thanks Mark. A resume in rhyme will work every time.

Cheers Don . I had you down as fairly sophisticated. Glitzy, even.

Maya, Graham, Jason and Ruth, I'm grateful for your likes.

Thanks all.

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Don Matthews

Mon 9th Sep 2019 04:25

I never was a Ballroom Glitzer
Preferring rock and roll
Glitzing round the ballroom floor?
Nah, now glitz round on WOL

Well rhymed Ray. The only note of serious here.

Devon, you punk singer?
I can't believe my screen
Your body scarred your ears all shot?
(You still got ring in nose?.....) ?

Skull earring?......
Pierced tongue?.....

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 9th Sep 2019 02:14

Tell it to Len Goodman! ?
In days gone by when young hopes were high
They vied with one another
To put their stamp on that cup marked "Champ"...
Now pushed to put one foot after the other!

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Adam Rabinowitz

Sat 7th Sep 2019 23:32

A wonderful description of getting stuck in the past. Earthy descriptive and ultimately to me anyway I am left a bit sad.

Devon Brock

Sat 7th Sep 2019 21:34


With all the mess of the last few days in my head, I neglected to comment on this poem. It brought a big smile to face as I sat in my chair reading. My body is all scarred up and my ears are shot from my time as a vocalist in a punk band. My old bandmates and friends keep posting flyers, record covers, vids of those gob and glory days. My wife was there as well. Our evenings now are turn on the tube, have some vino and hit the sack. Bliss! So, again, well done. Touched me again.


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Sat 7th Sep 2019 21:26

Hi Brian. Sounds like a nice end to a perfect day, with limitations . The poem made me smile I must admit. timing is everything.

Thanks Trevor. I remember your poem about dancing. Just enjoy using derogatory rhyme now and again !


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trevor homer

Sat 7th Sep 2019 10:59

A lovely comedic insight into the world of Ballroom glitz - excellent.

<Deleted User> (18980)

Fri 6th Sep 2019 23:20

I love it Ray and can empathise with your couple's swollen ankles having played two hours of tennis on Wed and Thurs and four hours golf today. I'm having trouble this evening putting one foot in front of the other so I'm reclining on my sofa and contributing to your blog, attempting to fill the void left by an erstwhile contributor.

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