The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 18 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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M.C. Newberry

Updated: Mon, 6 Nov 2023 05:54 pm


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In retirement, author of poems printed in national and regional publications, including Otley Press, Red Candle Press, Peace and Freedom Press and Poetry Now. Also factual articles and short stories. Writer of six on spec screenplays - some read (Paramount <US> and also BBC/ITV etc.) - none accepted to date. But it's great therapy! This author's "concept" collection of verse & lyrics was compiled under the title "SINGING WORDS" and published by Janus Publishing.Co.Ltd. My CD - "POETRY TO PLEASE" contains 21 poems in verse form with music settings. One of the poems, "English Hills", was given a four page spread against superb colour landscape photos in the magazine "THIS ENGLAND". Very rewarding in content and context! Also happily writing songs, song lyrics and tunes, some recorded by Women In Country (JIP Records of Nashville, TN. USA). Admires the craft and skill of yesteryear's poets and songwriters, but can still be pleasantly impressed by more modern material. NOTE. The photograph accompanying this profile entry shows yours truly outside a local pub when hosting a visit by my American nephew and his wife "back in the day"!


THOUGHTS AT CHRISTMAS How fitting now in deep December, When days are short and spirits low, That in our hearts we will remember Those we knew who had to go. Christmas hours are briefly bright... Their spark is spent in winter's pay And soon surrenders to each night When light retreats and fades away. But O how wonderful this living! How magical this life we own, That we are given to go on giving When time takes those that we have known. .............................................

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by M.C. Newberry

THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS - a ballad (23/12/2023)

CHRISTMAS SNOW (11/12/2023)

SANTA'S SATNAV (07/12/2023)


LONESOME RAIL (19/11/2023)

YOU SMILED (25/10/2023)


WHEN CHRISTMAS COMES AROUND - an Xmas carol (24/12/2022)

YOU ARE THE MUSIC (11/11/2022)

CHRISTMAS SNOW - a re-post for those away from home at a precious family time. (01/12/2021)

More audio from M.C. Newberry…

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Sun 18th Feb 2024 15:01

Thank you for your comment on 'Growing Up' MC. Yeah, I've always loved rhyme scheme and alliteration, so I try to include them whenever possible in my poems

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Ghazala lari

Mon 22nd Jan 2024 06:47

There's a difference between understanding and accepting. What suits our interests and aspirations are easily followed. Religious obligations are often easily overlooked because there's no religious policing anymore, but government's legal and societal moral policing is feared and implemented, either half heartedly or due to legal pressures upon the people.

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David Cooke

Thu 23rd Nov 2023 14:33

Dear Mark Thanks for your interest in my Elagabalus poem. He certasinly had his share of 'human failings'.

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Lee Campbell

Mon 18th Sep 2023 16:47

Thank you for all your comments on my recent poetry blog posts. Much appreciated.

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 20th Feb 2023 16:24

Cheers MC for your comment on "Paint and the Past"

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Stephen Mellor

Thu 8th Dec 2022 10:06

Ho Ho Ho
I am admittedly a bit of a Humbugger, but fortunately (for the family) my wife is the anti-dote.
A fine balance
Thanks for taking the time to look over and comment on Ebenezer

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Jared Harris

Fri 30th Sep 2022 19:26

Thank you for your comment M.C.

I will definitely save some for the kitty lol ...take care man much love....



Fri 11th Mar 2022 23:40

were you a policeman?


Fri 11th Mar 2022 11:53

food poisoning.


Sun 6th Mar 2022 23:33

Yes, I should have put that phrase "Read All About It"
in the poem.
Good idea!


Sun 6th Mar 2022 02:59

Mosey has two syllables with the sofy y at the end
and is therefore easier on tongue and mind.
"Jaunt" to me is too harsh! With that mean T at the end!
Just my opinion.

I prefer to Mosey, rather than jaunt!


Fri 4th Mar 2022 02:53

I knew it.
You are like a woman.
Lying about your age.
Actually, you don't look too bad


Thu 3rd Mar 2022 02:57

Had no idea you were that old,
did you use someone else's photograph?


Mon 21st Feb 2022 03:04

His stuff is now Your stuff!
better get rid of the stuff
before it's too late
and you become stuffed like him.


Sun 20th Feb 2022 01:38

words do travel
they change their spelling
kind of like a disguise
they look different
but still...could be recognized
in a police line-up.


Sat 19th Feb 2022 02:22

what old saying? have never heard that.


Sat 29th Jan 2022 03:49

like poets
love affection,
cats love


Thu 27th Jan 2022 23:00

A Grave Groaner!
but I like it.!


Tue 25th Jan 2022 21:29

I like your comparison of a Cemetery to a Library.
Holding records of the past and past lives.

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Ghazala lari

Mon 24th Jan 2022 23:26

Conspiracy theories all around. We can simply hope for the best.
Thank you.


Sun 23rd Jan 2022 22:47

whereas cops HERE never walk
they cruise in comfort
in their expensive squad cars
ever on the lookout for criminals
and the next donut shop!


Thu 6th Jan 2022 12:51

I had to look up "piffle"
meaning piddling or a trifle
but I like the word
and will attempt to use it
I will try it out on my wife
I'll let you know how that turns out!


Sat 25th Dec 2021 09:50

It took me a while to figure out "tree-sured"
but now I have it. ha
Merry Christmas M.C.


Sun 19th Dec 2021 20:56

most politicians are just people who
can't do anything else.


Fri 17th Dec 2021 14:01

My face a waste
a bit unnerving,
it's all I got
though undeserving!


Fri 10th Dec 2021 03:04

my poetry
or a glass of milk
will put you to sleep-
the milk tastes good-
my poetry better for you.


Thu 9th Dec 2021 03:30

thanks M. C. for reading "Autumn".
you must be desperate.

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Ankita Srivastava

Sun 5th Dec 2021 15:06

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts for my work "Lifeline of pets and us". Yes, it is sad our pets departs from the world early. Might be because they love us lot more than how much we love them and they can't bear if we depart before them and hence they have short life span. Moreover for many people pets are not family but a piece of entertainment whom they can abandon like furniture as per their convenience. And that is why almighty calls the pure soul early so they don't have to bear earthly pain.


Tue 30th Nov 2021 03:07

You don't see the word Razzamatass very often anymore.
Thanks for bringing it back.


Sat 27th Nov 2021 02:36

I am selfless
if I say so my Self!

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