The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Ankita Srivastava

Updated: Tue, 10 Sep 2019 07:46 pm

Contact via WOL logo


To express and let my heart out, I frame the words and sculpt them to form a poetry. I am a software professional who spends whole day behind the veil of computer. During college time I was living in the world of technology which was far far away land from the poetry world. Technologies and learning new things satisfies my thirst to explore more whereas the poetic/author's world gave me the sense of peace. Whenever I get the feeling of choked, I let my feelings out by writing. I feel so happy when I write, post and the responses that we get here are so encouraging to write even more. Sometimes I empty my soul by writing. Writing is a secret superpower to feel light and happy. Written words are mightier than verbal words. I don't know how and when I fell in love with poetries. Generally I prefer to do stand up comedy because the toughest job in the world is to gift someone smile, laughter and happiness. In this platform I dedicated first poetry for the most beautiful gift of almighty "Smile" . I love the writing style of classic authors like Ravindra Nath Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, William Shakespeare, Ruskin bond, JK Rolling. I took up poetry and novel writing not just to let my heart out but also to make small impact to let the world be a better place. I hope you will love the small vignette of creativity. Spread the smile and love, Ankita :)


Smile- the facet curve

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Ankita Srivastava

Wings of my dreams (09/11/2018)

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Fri 13th Sep 2019 08:38

Hi Anika - Military Lines - thanks - and keep up with your poetic flair. I find it saves a thousand words in getting messages across in all spheres - me currently in pursuing a solution to deforestation both locally and beyond. Even when dealing with the hierarchy it seems to resonate. Blessings. P.

Devon Brock

Fri 6th Sep 2019 21:58


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. You opened the gates to what could have been a very productive discussion. It is too bad that "Equality and empowerment" did not receive much commentary. I say that because you brought up some very interesting views and questions.

My thought is that equality begins with respect of the individual and the recognition/admission of the facts of inequality. I believe there needs to be more women in positions of influence to change the script of objectification to one in which merit, regardless of gender or race is the order of the day. And by merit, I don't mean successfully completing this or that given test. What I mean is willingness, tenacity, passion, etc. Recognizing those traits in a person, and having systems in place to foster the growth of the whole person, the sky would be the limit, not some manufactured glass ceiling.


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Jason Bayliss

Wed 17th Apr 2019 03:14

Loved your biography and if your goal was to make the world a slightly better place by gifting a smile, then for me, job done my friend, job done.

J. x

<Deleted User> (16837)

Mon 4th Jun 2018 04:52

Thank you Ankita for appreciating the poem..?

Big Sal

Mon 28th May 2018 18:07

Whenever you decide to add more art to the pile, I'll be waiting to read them. Great stuff, keep it all up!?

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Thu 18th Jan 2018 15:39


<Deleted User> (16099)

Fri 5th Jan 2018 04:00

happy new years to you as well, and here is to many great writes for both of us..

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 9th Nov 2017 10:30

Ankita the facet curve shall be the title of my next unwritten novel

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 3rd Nov 2017 20:21

Welcome to WOL, Ankita. Poetry, your own and that of others, will be a huge gift inserted into your daily living. You are surely among friends here. We're not famous writers, but, like yourself, most of us are really sincere about the value we place on poetry as a fine means to share 'life'.

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