I'm male, working-class and I live in Liverpool. All my work is subject to change. quotations: 'By the way if anyone here is in advertising or marketing... kill yourself... Kill yourself. It's the only way to save your fucking soul, kill yourself.' Bill Hicks 'If you can't say ''fuck'' then you can't say ''fuck the government'' ' ...Lenny Bruce everything is in a constant state of flux... I am Literate, solvent and hilarious. "Reading maketh a full man; Conference a ready man; Writing an exact man"... . Francis Bacon ( Carved into and above the entrance of Liverpool's Kensington Library)
Before the after I'm now nearly bald once considered shorn, like now nearly dead not being new-born. I used to be young but now I'm not old, like being informed not being untold. I used to be slight but now I'm substantial, like being skint then becoming financial. ........................
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Photos 2
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Tommy Carroll
Waiting... (28/10/2024)
(untitled) (26/10/2024)
Taking the Knee (08/09/2024)
(untitled) (08/09/2024)
-rap- (08/09/2024)
I Never Sleep (15/06/2024)
Cats on mats (18/05/2024)
The Purpose is? (09/12/2023)
Title (28/11/2023)
Brushing past (28/11/2023)
Audio entries by Tommy Carroll
Konnichiwa (06/06/2015)
Bloody Valentine (13/08/2012)
A Lady's dismissal (01/05/2012)
On stolen sheets (30/04/2012)
My loose checked tie (09/03/2012)
Bloody Valentine (16/02/2012)
Wirral Promenade
Across Liverpool Bay
Kitchen: Son and mate
- 2021 (4)
Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.
Just found 'This wanting look' Tommy. A phenomenal poem, bitter-sweet nostalgic loss. Awesome!
Just found 'Waiting for my mum,' Tommy. Stunning poetry. Just wanted to let you how moving I found it to be!
Tue 28th Apr 2020 21:33
Hi Tommy - Thetis - yes a big deal in the day - occasionally still mentioned by authors such as in Tuppence to cross the Mersey. Cheers. P
Re how to shop for shoes. Enter any shoe shop at any time, spend as long as you like deliberating and buy as many pairs as you can afford and find cupboard space for, sometimes breaking all of those rules with your own 4 inch stiletto heels.
Hey Tommy,
"...making sense of the written word..."
I totally understand. I too struggle with this sometimes.
Thank you for taking the time to give me your honest opinion regarding my work.
Hi Tommy
re: 'Out of my head'
I appreciate the feedback, Tommy
Best regards,
Hi Tommy,
‘Why the rhyme or the rhythm?'
You're absolutely right. No need for either. That's the beauty of poetry ‘no finicky rules'!
I appreciate your feedback, Tommy
No problem Devon, none taken. Really. ?
Devon Brock
Sat 20th Jul 2019 23:29
I never intended to upset you with a comment, Tommy. I, perhaps stupidly, underestimated the intelligence of the reader. I only sought to highlight a clever wordplay (as he seeks to remove foot from mouth).
Though if I want to be honest... I ALWAYS wear sunglasses! A quirk of mine I guess...?
<Deleted User> (22158)
Mon 15th Jul 2019 14:38
Tommy, Thanks for your input on "Pig Slop". I appreciate it! Take care ---- Jason
I AM outdoors in the picture! ?
<Deleted User> (22247)
Thu 4th Jul 2019 16:40
"Before the After" is terrific.
?Thanks Tommy! Couldn't do otherwise!
Yes that sounds about right! First you pass the Adriatic then the Ionian then the Aegean! I sound like a GPS! Haha!
Sounds like a nice trip anyway?
Hey Tommy. Thanks for stopping by at my profile! If it was the Adriatic Sea you crossed then you passed from Italy to Greece and it wasn't the Aegean but The Ionian Sea. The South Mediterranean is my home and I find it ravishing! But I don't think it's just I that feels this way. I guess it's no wonder it took you breath!
Thanks Tommy ?
yo tommy!!!
Happy New Year Tommy! Re my advice to male poets, i can't remember what that was now...I'm sure I've given plenty over the years and some if it twaddle.
My viewpoint for the here and now would be.
Let's stop judging some actions of the 1970s 1980s by the standards of today. It doesnt make sense to castigte people for things that were acceptable back then - the exception to that being paedophilia, which is vile in any century.
Groping people is wrong whatever the gender or sexual orientation but to rake something like that up 20 years later with no substantial evidence of harm done. Some people need to get a grip on themselves!
Possibly a bigger response than you wanted but ive always loved the way WOL gives you the opportunity to express yourself and let off a bit of steam.
? x
Cheers Darren for your classy comment re "Me" ta Tommy
Hello Tommy, thank you for your support of my poem MISSING YOU. I don't post here too often. But have been inspired by friends to write.
Thank you
hey tommy
''Freedom is not when the Master let him go, it was when the Master said ''Yes'' and he said ''No!'' ...Rage Against The Machine:
Don't tell me what to do. Get lost. Sorted.
Tommy, Thank you for your comment on my poem MY DREAMS. Sometimes my dreams are filled away. But I always keep hope alive. ?
thnaks for the recent comments Tommy - hope you're keeping well
aye up Tommy - thanks for commenting on 'the collector and the collected'. George Orwell was a right boring bastard wasn't he? ?
Love ? your work. So beautiful!
'oooh's' and 'aaahhhs', grunts and groans, whistles and chirps are language in common to us all. No need of complex voice patterns or organised grammar whatsoever for basic communication.
'conference a ready man' is a very apt expression, meaning, I take it, one who is 'working with other people to discuss and carry out a particular plan' of any kind.
Happy Easter, Tommy, to you and yours. I always enjoy your input.
Hello Tommy,
I apologise for copying your hair style but I have saved a fortune by not going to the Barbers. However, what I have relinquished on my head I have cultivated on my face.
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Aisha Suleman
Thu 19th Oct 2023 21:50
Hi Tommy. Thank you for visiting my page. I am not sure what you have written, but thank you and your poetry is amazing 😊