The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Taking the Knee

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We clap some Blacks,
we clap them Blacks,
tho' we mow those
others shacks
and dish out smacks,
we clap them Blacks
and forget those whacks
and their blistered backs
and hands that pick the
music tracks,

and then we clap them Blacks
them stand-up Blacks
but not them bent over blacks
for earning all your stacks
of dirty cash
and maids we lash
and keep from dash

yet we stand and clap
them entertaining Blacks
and forget the Hispanics
and the low paid Arabs
at the Macs
and Asians that stack
and Latinos in back
of the stores and the lack
of housing and that
and this becomes that
as minimum is flat
a rate as you'll get
as sad a state
as you've ever met

always the worker
that's needed as warrior
to die for jack
in the sand and a sack
brings them back
it's you at the back,
always the back ,
stay put and keep shut,
I'm talking to you
at the back of the queue
YOU at the back!
get ready to pack!


Words Tommy Carroll




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