The Purpose is?
extract of thought change the world
when casting a shadow;
to change it meaningfully
you need to move
from out of the shadows...
everything has a purpose;
everything has a state.
it's purpose is to exist;
to be formed
by chance
or change of purpose.
without a purpose
'it' ceases to exsist,
and becomes something else
the new purpose.
it can be found in
the new thing-
that is its new purpose...
and so it goes on.
we draw a line across eternity
and at some point
matter and time
have succumed,
have realised
a kink in the continuum-
that aberration is you.
and in times twist-
you're gone...
words and painting T Carroll
Tommy Carroll
Fri 22nd Dec 2023 01:43
Cheers Mart & Uill
Thanks for your written appreciation.