The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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John Botterill

Updated: Mon, 31 Jul 2023 09:23 am

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I was recently asked by Ruth O'Reilly the excellent radio presenter and fellow Writeoutloud blogger, to take part in her Sunday afternoon show on ALLFM which featured some my poetry and musical selections. The link to the show is copied below if you would like to have a listen:2 I write poetry for my own amusement and to irritate my family and friends. They groan when when I offer to read them a poem! I intend to improve by reading the fine work of the poets on this site! They will soon be saying,"Will you read us a poem, dad?!" without any sarcasm! My interests are: world peace, writing poetry, football (Leeds) and walking in the countryside,, which are all progressing quite poorly at the moment. Still, we have to keep trying!


Malton Museum ‘Visit Malton Museum.’ Smiles the girl on the poster. ‘Malton is nothing but a museum,’ I grumble along Yorkersgate, ‘That’s a statement of the truth!’ Past ‘The George’ and the cinema, Relics of my misspent youth. I turn into a Market Place Which only the sixties could own. Preserved in aspic, set in stone. This is some weird time warp, Where ‘Doctor Who’ meets ‘Heartbeat’! I kneel to retie my Jesus Boots And glance up to greet an icon, “Ah Mister Herriot, I presume!” A town lost in its own antiquity! Where all is kept as it’s always been, A triumph for the Conservation Team! I find myself, suddenly, in Greengate- My early Nemesis, my infant Fate- Outside the Friends’ Meeting House, The scene of my first day at school, And my first real teacherly telling off! I quake at the snarl on Miss Smart’s face! All my yesterdays began in this place, Where I left the list of tiny extras, To join the supporting cast. I was mortified by the admonishment! It wouldn't be my last! And Malton remains unaltered A museum to my past. Poetic Licence I hold a poetic licence. This entitles me to lie And practise my hyperbole Until the day I die! My licence grants permission To use some figures of speech. It’s like a new space mission Across the creative universe, Seeking sibilant planets, Like Saturn and Mars, which are Far beyond my reach. My analogy boosters have Failed to fire and I’ve fallen back To earth with a (cliched) bump! This licence allows for alliteration, Bouncing balls across the beach And I’ll splash you when I see ya, Cos that sounds just like the thing it is, And it rhymes with onomatopoeia. Symbolism, enigmatically, takes a Quill from her pocket to Tap me on the shoulder Pestering me to deploy Personification. Thought I’d write I haiku Not that difficult I thought But you can see I Hold onto this licence erroneously! Poetry lacks remuneration- So, it’s nothing like a licence To print money!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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winds solar

Sun 25th Jun 2023 23:31

John in case you are wondering where my poem ' Away from the world' is I have decided to rewrite it into a lengthier version later on and hopefully enter it along with some of my earlier and up and coming poems for submission to a publisher

but thanks again for the lovely comment onwards and upwards!

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 19th Dec 2022 14:05

Hi John

I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas!

Thank you so much for coming into the studio twice this year & for all your contributions to my spoken word specials.

Your dulcet tones will be heard again on my Christmas Special Radio show on Christmas Day itself in the first hour after 3pm 🎄

<Deleted User> (32270)

Sat 24th Sep 2022 17:29

Lovely, Poetic License

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 15th Aug 2022 16:46

Dear John

Glad you liked the Famous poem. I'll post the advice one once I've given it a bit more thought, I promise.

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Wed 3rd Aug 2022 20:47

John, Thankyou so much for all your lovely comments on my recent offerings - you are always so kind! I hope you are keeping well. 😊

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Nigel Astell

Tue 21st Jun 2022 21:32

Listened to the radio link up John loved the idea of how your poetry took you through your life.
Music was good too.

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John Botterill

Mon 6th Jun 2022 18:12

Thanks Ruth. It was a great show and I was delighted to be part of it! You are always so kind and supportive 😀👍

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 6th Jun 2022 15:21

Just wanted to say a big Thank You for taking part in my Allfm Jubilee spoken word special. Your two thoughtful pieces were brilliant and it was a pleasure to feature you again ☺📻

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 16th May 2022 19:17

Cheers John for your generous comment on 'This wanting look'
'Waiting for my mum,'

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Sun 24th Apr 2022 12:39

Thanks, John for your continued support of my work. Always very humbled by your lovely feedback. It is very much appreciated. 😌

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Tue 19th Apr 2022 08:57

Hi John, just wanted to say thank you for your recent like and comment on my latest ramblings. I always very much appreciated. I've been loving your recent work - I feel you are going from strength to strength!

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 17th Apr 2022 17:42

Hi John and Rasa

I just added my 'Tears' poem.

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 5th Apr 2022 19:40

Enjoyed the radio show very much, John. Well done to you and Ruth.

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 4th Apr 2022 17:37

Yes, John. Charly was the BBC3 version of me.😀

<Deleted User> (32907)

Mon 28th Mar 2022 22:06

You're welcome, John. Great stuff!👍

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John Botterill

Mon 28th Mar 2022 20:55

Thank you so much, Ursula, for your lovely positive response to the radio show on ALLFM presented by Ruth O'Reilly. It is really generous of you and it means a lot to me 😀

<Deleted User> (32907)

Mon 28th Mar 2022 17:45

Hi John. I listened to your radio performance and really liked it. Your poems sounded just great read aloud. Well done to you, and congratulations! Ursula👍🌷

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John Botterill

Mon 28th Mar 2022 09:54

Big thank you to Ruth O'Reilly for making my maiden radio performance such a joyful experience. You have such a calming, happy professional style! GREAT!
If Ruth invites any fellow poet to perform on ALLFM 96.9 in Manchester my recommendation is DO IT!
Ruth will make it ROCK! 😀💪👍

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Ruth O'Reilly

Mon 28th Mar 2022 01:00

I Just wanted to say a big Thank You to you for being such a wonderful guest today and helping me to create such a good show.

It was a real pleasure to meet yourself & Gail and you are always welcome back. I'm just posting a link to your show here in case any of your write out loud fans would like to listen back. Kind Regards 🙏

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Ghazala lari

Tue 8th Mar 2022 04:38

Thank you John💐

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Thu 24th Feb 2022 16:22

Hi John, Thanks so much for taking the time to like and comment on my recent postings. Enjoy your wine, I know I do! Kind Kathleen is a true story of a woman I once knew. Sadly, she didn't know how to stop and her drinking didn't bring out the best in her.

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Ghazala lari

Tue 15th Feb 2022 05:05

Thank you for your comment on Bubbles of success.

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 5th Feb 2022 14:29

Cheers John <stop making excuses >🤔🤭

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Ghazala lari

Mon 31st Jan 2022 02:08

Thank you for your compliment on my poem feelings.

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John Botterill

Fri 28th Jan 2022 16:08

Hi All
I deleted my profile page by mistake last night in the middle of a hypo (I'm diabetic).
I have reconstructed it from memory, as well as I can .
I apologise for deleting some wonderful comments and likes that I genuinely valued. What can I say? Sorry!

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