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Nine months old, sat safely on the floor,

She doesn’t need holding anymore.

We have video called to see how Juju’s grown.

Juliet sits blinking into daddy’s phone.

You can see her thinking, ‘Who are these two then?’

They seem to like it when I clap my hands.

I will treat them to it once again.

I will gurgle cutely and then say, ‘Wow!’


                           I have exhausted most of my repertoire.

I turn to daddy, perplexed, appealing.

What can I do to entertain them now?


“Why don’t you give them your gorgeous smile,

And the twinkle in your eyes which never fails?

Why don’t you wave at Grandad and Gail?”


Juliet waves and smiles, as her ultimate touch.

“Love you, Juju, wow, you have learnt so much!”



◄ Burley Road

Away with Words ►


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John Botterill

Sat 29th Jul 2023 09:03

Thank you so much for your lovely comments, Uilleam and Stephen 😀
Thanks too for the likes Ruth, Steve, Helene, Holden and purplemoon. 😀

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 29th Jul 2023 08:12

Beautiful and touchingly described, John. A real gem.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 28th Jul 2023 10:23

What a beautiful picture you paint John.
I'm privileged to have such an absolute treasure in our midst.

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