I live in Northern California with my wife, Shelly, and our two poorly behaved, but relentlessly cute dogs. My work has appeared most recently in the Origami Poem Project's Best Of Kindness 2020 anthology.
In The Night
Sleeping next to me her body rarely moves echoing the stillness and the dark quiet of the night I pull her gently closer to me trying desperately to feel her calm The beasts of the night are held back by steel reins of contentment now welcome, sleep finds me again
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Mike McPeek
Little Miss Maelstrom (28/02/2025)
Photograph Album (22/02/2025)
Listen (19/02/2025)
Topography (12/02/2025)
Storytellers (08/02/2025)
A Picture I Took of a Fallen Leaf (04/02/2025)
Elemental (03/02/2025)
Little Criminals (31/01/2025)
Automatic Umbrella (29/01/2025)
A Colder Part of the Year (25/01/2025)
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d.knape - LOL, luv it!
Sun 22nd Nov 2020 11:41
Mike McPeek
writes and tweets
his poetry
deserves a peak.
Is there a McPeek Burger place in your town?
Chicken McPeeks?
what a cool name!
Twin McPeeks?
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Red Brick Keshner
Sun 9th Feb 2025 11:56
On “not to the swift” - Thanks Mike! Good to know what works in any given poem. You are much appreciated 🙏🏻🕊🌷