The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Sat, 23 Jan 2021 04:41 am

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you took a wrong turn and got here by mistake now turn yourself around and make something of yourself.


HAT TRICK I have a hat it is a fact, the hat's too small or my head's too fat, inside my hat my head gets packed, then I can't extract good sense I lack! ~Po Wit

due West

a toothbrush, a pair of socks, a poem or two.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by d.knape

Hiccups (12/03/2022)

The Path Of Least Resistance (11/03/2022)

SICK (10/03/2022)

Now That I Am Old (09/03/2022)

Role Reversal (08/03/2022)

Plastic Bags (07/03/2022)

Newsboys (06/03/2022)

MOSEY (05/03/2022)

GOLD (03/03/2022)

Reclining Fortunes (02/03/2022)

Read more entries by d.knape…

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Wed 10th Jul 2024 16:59

More information about David's life (and death). Including a lovely poem called 'Don't Keep My Grave'.

And all his poetry is here:

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 11th Mar 2022 12:06

Food poisoning? NOT nice! A cruel combination of input and output! Rest and recuperation are the recommended treatments
I recall. Replace all those lost vital salts and get back the body back in balance!
Chicken soup seems a good start.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 3rd Mar 2022 12:02

The photo is from the mid-60s - but I'm from 1944 originally. A wartime issue!! 😃

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 21st Feb 2022 08:16

Yes, I remember a training course at work where people said 'I like clutter' and 'When I see a clean desk, I know there's no work being done'. This was not the aim of the course, obviously.

In clutter, no one can hear you scream. That would have been a good title.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 20th Feb 2022 16:04

Words can travel, but the spelling and meaning can change.
We're aware of "the usual suspects". As Alan Jay Lerner tells us
in 'My Fair Lady": 'There are even place where English
completely disappears. In America they haven't used it for years'. 😋.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 19th Feb 2022 14:30

Some sayings are well known here in the home of the English language. I can't speak for their ability to "travel". 😐

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 19th Jan 2022 17:11

Here it is - a slightly different take, but....

Leaf Blower

A middle-aged man nearby
Is clearing up some leaves.
He swings the blower round;
Enjoys its phallic whirl.
It reminds him of the time
When he could get the girl.

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Stephen Atkinson

Sat 8th Jan 2022 13:32

Pit Yakker! ( Or Yacker, Yakka). A person from a coal mining village, mainly associated with the North East of England. Originally a derogatory term, but we now embrace it as our own! Proud to be a Pit Yakker! (I'm not a Geordie) 😁 I'm sure that's cleared it up for ye D.K...😂

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keith jeffries

Sat 1st Jan 2022 11:26

Having submitted the poem you can still alter it by using the same method or so I think. I have never experienced any problem with altering a draft or the end product.
Happy New Year

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keith jeffries

Fri 31st Dec 2021 13:06

The answer to your query is Yes, you can edit after posting a poem. Simply look at your work and press the edit button which is close to your poem , make any alterations or corrections you need, then press update button which is lower on the same page and hey presto.
Happy New Year.

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Stephen Atkinson

Wed 15th Dec 2021 19:44

Damn, that's how she always knows! 😂 And that cloud thing is the inside of my head on most days DK 🤯 😁

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 9th Dec 2021 16:06

Autumn. Not sure about "desperate". I'm a sucker for anything remotely interesting that helps pass the time. Cheers ?

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keith jeffries

Thu 9th Dec 2021 12:03

I did read your other poem but cast a veil over it

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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 9th Dec 2021 11:41

? not very politically correct DK but probably true!! ?

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 5th Dec 2021 18:01

Thanks, dk. You are very kind. We may have to agree to disagree about climate change though.

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keith jeffries

Thu 25th Nov 2021 15:09

Thank you for your graphic description of a doodle bug. I shall try to avoid them. Thanks giving baffles me. What and for whom are you thanking. We save our turkeys until Christmas. These days they cost a fortune.
Happy Thanksgiving. Don't overdo it.

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keith jeffries

Tue 23rd Nov 2021 14:09

Thanks. I associate with both the high and low, whatever that means. Praise where praise is due and similarly so with criticism which needs to be constructive and not negative. Poetry and those who write it are strong individuals with well thought out ideas and the innate ability to describe what we see and our thoughts. We are both no exceptions to this. Write what you feel inspired to write, avoid the frivolous and write with pen and paper. The hand is connected to the arm which is in turn connected to the body which holds the mind. Poetry needs to flow from the mind and does not come well from stabbing away at key boards and peering into screens with bleary eyes.

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Stephen Atkinson

Sun 21st Nov 2021 14:19

Thought so...?

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Stephen Atkinson

Thu 18th Nov 2021 19:37

I was wondering why I only saw your posts when someone comments on them. And its because I'd blocked you! ? By accident of course! But now I'm, once again, ready to receive your genius ...I'm waiting...?

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jennifer Malden

Thu 18th Nov 2021 11:39

Agree absolutely with Keith. Was definitely impressed with the butterfly poem, really beautiful. Am getting quite jealous! What has happened to change your contributions so drastically? I enjoywriting 'frivolous' stuff too, they are like word games. Haven't abandoned anyone! Keep up the good work.

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keith jeffries

Tue 16th Nov 2021 12:02


When you put your mind to writing good poetry you produce some fine work. Try and avoid the frivolous. You are a good poet.


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Stephen Gospage

Mon 8th Nov 2021 20:53

Good one!

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jennifer Malden

Sat 23rd Oct 2021 17:29

Nice parrot story - my father was phoned by a nice, but very conventional old spinster, who asked him for assistance. He discovered she had bought a parrot, whom she had taught to say all the usual, Hello, How are you? etc etc., but it had started to swear like a trooper, and she couldn't understand why. Neither could my father, as her visitors were all eminently respectable. He discovered, however, that she put it out at the end of the garden on sunny days. On inspection, he saw there was a golf course over the hedge, and a huge bunker!!!!!!!!!! He then suggested she put it out in the front garden!

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jennifer Malden

Sat 23rd Oct 2021 17:23

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Can you be sure I'm not?


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jennifer Malden

Wed 20th Oct 2021 17:05

Hi DK, hoped you'd got rid of me did you!!!? I WILL BE BACK.
Have been busy, (a euphemism for up to my neck in it), with family health problems. Nothing that can't be cured/treated, luckily, but everything seems to come all together. What with making appointments, having and organising various tests, consoling, minimising, comforting, the nitty gritty etc. etc. haven't had a moment for myself. Have two or three pieces of doggerel to put on when I have time. Had you already dug another hole for me?! Can' t wait to catch up on what I've been missing. I always enjoy your stuff. Jennifer


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Stephen Gospage

Sun 10th Oct 2021 17:16

Is this the way to Armadillo? Probably not.

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keith jeffries

Fri 1st Oct 2021 14:09

You are right dk. The Mayor is useless and we are losing our identity as a nation as you are also. Not to worry we shall all be dead and gone by the time that happens


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keith jeffries

Wed 29th Sep 2021 20:02

Thanks, I enjoyed Spain for the warmth, the cost of living and the quality of life which is far less stressful than in the UK. However, I am an Englishman and there is no place like home. I am not a European. My language, culture and the freedom we enjoy in the UK is incomparable. God Save the Queen!


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Stephen Gospage

Wed 29th Sep 2021 17:37

Or sometimes it's "scenes which viewers may find upsetting"!

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keith jeffries

Tue 28th Sep 2021 22:36


I moved back to England over three years ago. Just in time for Brexit.


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