The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Jennifer Malden

Updated: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 07:54 pm

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Live in Tuscany and love it, the winter is so much shorter than in Scotland! Have always enjoyed reading and writing since I was a child. My mother taught me to read at four, and I can remember the joy one evening when I discovered I could read entire sentences! Love dogs, good food and cooking for friends. Also going to museums and art exhibitions, used to work in a London art gallery many years ago. Really love travelling when possible. Not very often, alas, but have managed to get to India and Myanmar, after reading William Dalryple's books. Used to work as designer for our small family firm making women's clothes, but gave this up when everyone started outsourcing. Then recycled as English teacher working freelance, which funnily enough I enjoy. Many of the adults become long-term friends, and the teenage boys in particular are really amusing. Used to teach primary school kids and that was great fun too, although required a lot of energy.


The Boyfriend Oh my God, a poet! Was what they all said. Better off dead! Was what my father said. About your daily bread? Was what my mother said. What's he like in bed?Was what my friends said. He has an everlasting flow of dreams inside his head, was what I said. Mediterranean August. (Poem of the week in 2017) Hot curry scent of Helichrysum rosemary, myrtle and lavender. Flaunting scarlet bougainvillea darkly shadowed by umbrella pines. Colourful butterfly windsurf sails zigzagging across the turquoise bay watched through dark glasses. Small orange and cobalt fishing boats riding motionless on glittering flawless transparent emerald glass. Golden sunbaked body lies limp facing an opaque pewter sea hopefully waiting for an evening breeze. Setting out after crimson sunset expectant with engine chugging and fierce steel hooks cruelly baited. Rocking over depths under the moon bent on a mysterious treasure hunt. Hauling in strange writhing, wriggling shapes appearing from secret haunts below sliding, slithering, slipping, gasping conger, moray, scorpion and bass. Then some evening excitement sought with bronzed shoulders bared for display. Gaudycoloured iceclinking liquid in tall frosted glasses on little tables with dark admiring faces glancing. Fine scents of strange creatures cooking clinking plates and hunger satisfied. After, lying out under the stardome with the silent sweep of great owl wings and the softly crashing foamy breakers lulling us to sleep until first light.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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keith jeffries

Sat 30th Apr 2022 11:19

Thank you for your recent comments. I have recently moved back to live in Spain, my spiritual home. I intend to stay here until called to glory. Hope all is well in Tuscany.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 30th Nov 2021 12:59

Hi Jennifer - thanks (or maybe that should be "fangs") for the anecdote about the snake pit. Nice one!


Mon 22nd Nov 2021 03:06

As long as you agree with Me,
you'll be fine.


Thu 18th Nov 2021 23:37

"The Boyfriend" was a classic!

Considered opinions
on you were dropped,
everyone had one
they never stopped,
your so-called boyfriend
a Lover was not,
when it came to bed
he was definitely a flop!.


Thu 18th Nov 2021 19:14

I can write fairly good poetry
when I put my mind to it-
The problem is
putting my mind to it.


Thu 18th Nov 2021 19:10

the deeper the hole-
the harder to get out of.


Wed 17th Nov 2021 22:29

now we know.-
you have deserted me

wink. wink.


Tue 9th Nov 2021 02:25

So many similar stories.
Apparently Parrots swear on a regular basis.
Like children picking up bad habits. cannot spank a Parrot!
Animal cruelty you know!

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Wed 3rd Nov 2021 11:21

Thanks for your lovely comment on Under The Old Whale Bones. I hope everything is good with you Jennifer. Cheers, Tom.


Sun 24th Oct 2021 03:10

I did in fact want to get rid of you but...
you slipped in unawares! haha
You have so much going on, I am surprised you take the time
to read and respond to my poems.
I thank you for that and
hope you feel better after reading them.


Thu 21st Oct 2021 12:59

You lost the R on the end of your name. (jeinif
hope you find it soon.


Thu 21st Oct 2021 04:27

Thanks for reading "First Sign".
This is the first sign of life from YOU.
but it's something.
At least you are alive
and not a Zombie.


Thu 21st Oct 2021 04:24

Sounds like you have been through a lot.
A parking lot.
At the hospital and the doctor's office.

will await your next post or pest
but remember
if you want to leave a comment, you must log in.
It says so,
therefore it is!


Fri 15th Oct 2021 17:32

Whatever happened to Jennifer Malden?

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keith jeffries

Wed 13th Oct 2021 22:49

Thank you for your kind words. I seem to write in fits and starts these days as inspiration comes and goes like the morning tide. I increasingly find music a vibrant source of inspiration. A few days ago I listened to the Warsaw Concerto and realised how it could stimulate the imagination which a profound sense of drama, violence and suffering. Let's keep writing. Maybe one day we will be famous, not that I search for fame, as recognition will suffice.



Thu 30th Sep 2021 04:58

Hello Jennifer,
most people just give up on me
since I make so little sense.
Somehow, you have stuck around.
I guess you find me amusing.
either that or
you feel sorry for me.



Tue 7th Sep 2021 12:10

I would rather be coveted
than Covided!


Sun 5th Sep 2021 23:17

I don't know what "covided" means.
You have Covid?

Anyway, my poems fluctuate from serious to funny,
depending on the phase of the Moon.
Hence the "Moonlight" poem.
(it's as good an excuse as any.)
I am shocked that you are still reading my poems.
Haven't you any thing better to do?


Fri 3rd Sep 2021 11:55

It was in the heat of August that she last left a comment
and lo it is now September and the leaves are starting to
turn brown and the grass is dying and still he had not heard
a word. He wondered if she had Covid or just got fed up.


Thu 19th Aug 2021 01:02

I don't know.
Maybe I misinterpreted what you wrote.
All men created equal.
Regardless of skin color.

(I have not done-in my wife, but...SHE is plotting, thinking of hiring an assassin!)


Mon 16th Aug 2021 11:54

in history
ALL men have endured suffering.
Why do you think some men are better than others?
Just wondering.


Fri 13th Aug 2021 11:41

the chicken made a getaway
lived to see another day!


Fri 13th Aug 2021 03:35

"better the upper end
than the lower".

-brilliant!! ?


Sun 25th Jul 2021 12:02

not to worry
no hidden agenda for that hole
my wife plans on just putting me in a garbage bag
and leaving me at the curb. hahaha
I can't believe you went to all that trouble of writing a book
about it. Now we are both "Whole"!

who else would write a poem about digging a hole.
(a good place for my poetry!)

Do yall spend a lot of time hiding behind Hydrangeas?


Sun 25th Jul 2021 00:37

Who is that
hiding behind the Hydrangias?

come out
come out
whoever you are!


Sun 7th Mar 2021 05:11

thanks for your comments on two of my poems.
I hope I did not put you through too much.

who is that You behind that bush?

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keith jeffries

Mon 1st Mar 2021 21:51

Thank you for your very kind comments recently posted. I appreciate your words which are for me personally very encouraging.



Wed 3rd Feb 2021 12:46

Hi Stranger
Hy Drangea!



Wed 3rd Feb 2021 04:46

thanks Jennifer
we are linked through poetry
and cottage cheese.

why are you hiding behind those flowers?


Wed 3rd Feb 2021 03:42

The body of the poem is fine-
the fenders need some work!

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