Trevor Alexander
Updated: Wed, 3 Apr 2024 02:41 pm
I started writing only after retiring in 2013. Something I'd always sort of fancied trying but never had time for. Originally I thought I'd be writing a SF novel, but seemed to naturally gravitate to poetry, and joined a few local groups to share work. I prefer writing in forms, such as villanelle, rondeaux, ballade etc, but have ventured into attempts at free verse. To date I have surprised myself by having several pieces published in both the UK and USA, either in print or electronically.
Poets Anonymous Hello; My name is John Doe and I’m a poet. It’s been twenty-four hours since I wrote my last one. It was supposed to be in iambic pentameter, but it came out in a rash of caesurae and enjambments, so it scanned like Shakespeare on speed. I’m trying to do it right, but it’s hard, you know? Some days I just have to scribble some doggerel, or even greetings card rhymes just to get my fix. Other days, the alliteration just pours promptly from my pen, or the stanzas simply scroll across my screen. Those days though, those delicious days, are few; even then, the idyllic, dactylic rhyme can seem imbecilic if it doesn’t flow fluently on the page. I’m sorry for all those I’ve assaulted with dissonant assonance, or the hubris of hyperactive hyperbole. I will try to make amends, without overtaxing the syntax. I’m taking it just one day at a time; a few couplets, a quatrain or two, maybe on the good days some faltering free verse, or a voluptuous villanelle. I can do it. I know I can.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Trevor Alexander
Oblivion (20/03/2025)
True Love (15/03/2025)
It is a soft day (08/03/2025)
First Class First (06/03/2025)
an Gorta Mór (28/02/2025)
Departure (20/02/2025)
Eureka (16/02/2025)
Pre-Lent Event (12/02/2025)
Nostalgia (08/02/2025)
Truth And Lies (With apologies to Bob Dylan) (06/02/2025)
Read more entries by Trevor Alexander…
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Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my poem God Didn't Know What to Say, It is Much appreciated.
Best wishes, Larisa
Fri 10th Dec 2021 16:48
My mother always told me
if you can't say something nice-
say nothing at all.
Thus...No Comment!
wink. wink.
Mon 6th Dec 2021 02:49
Beer Goggles??
Where do you drink your beer?
Yes, they really do! Cheers Trev ?
Wed 31st Mar 2021 22:18
(a 2 word poem.)
Sat 20th Mar 2021 10:55
we will be wearing masks
or another 10 years.
A measure of control
for the Great Reset!
Sun 3rd Jan 2021 18:19
Jeans with holes
leave girls disposed
to show more leg
which men extol
at least that is
what I've been told
the more the leg
the merrier our souls.
Sun 20th Sep 2020 00:25
I thought that was a Chinese dish.
(now I get it.)
Sat 19th Sep 2020 08:48
"with lashings of chillies
and loo roll on ice"...
what does this mean?
Is it a Brit expression
or something you took
from a highway billboard
or a recipe book?
Mon 7th Sep 2020 23:12
I imagined that poem.
imagine that!
Fri 11th Oct 2019 22:05
not at all Trevor,
you always respond.
thank you.
Fri 11th Oct 2019 11:26
just between
you and me
thanks for your comment
dabble on!
Haha Trev - I kept meaning to do one anyway ?
Yeh, I like the first one best too, but thought I'd be a smart-arse and cycle through the seasons, keeping in sight of the prompt ?
Also - I can't decide between this last line, or
'in bleak midwinter'
Whaddaya reckon?
Hello Trevor, liked your Brexit villanelle. As you seem to know a lot more about poetry than I do, could you have a peek at my poem 'Regrets', which I intended as a villanelle, and tell me if I was right about the form, at least?
Thanks, Jennifer
Hey Trev
You not joining in with Napo this year? I was hoping you would be ?
Tue 15th Jan 2019 04:18
retired people have learned
the best lesson
there is no more important thing
than Time.
Thank you for commenting on We Trevor much appreciated.. Taylor ?
Thank you Trevor..I really appreciated your comment on Innocent Sold..we live in a society which brushes so much under the carpet. The reality shows do not help. Some want to live in a bubble of ignorance.. If we don't say it, it isn't happening. We can all marry a celebrity. Unfortunately most young peoples reality in these difficult times is a far cry from that....sorry Trevor I can't help recalling my own youth where jobs were plentiful, no zero hour contracts, and a future was more than a forlorn hope..?
Sun 7th Oct 2018 22:59
synaptic subroutine?
what the heck is that?
if a subroutine snaps at me
I hit it on the nose and say "sit!".
thanks for commenting on 'Bevin Boy' Trevor - I appreciate it - and apologies for the slow reply - been up to my neck in music project work and not on the internet
Mon 17th Sep 2018 23:38
do you have
a Ragtime Band?
Ooo did you? I'm in love with the west myself - heading back over in August, cannot WAIT. Dublin to Doolin then down to Kerry.
Peat fires are so damned HOT aren't they?! ? And the smell, mmm. Hey, I'd love to read the one you wrote for 'Scent Memories'. Perhaps PM it to me? Did you ever see the one I wrote about walking the Cliffs of Moher? I was out of my mind with panic that I'd hurl myself over the edge - it's a 'thing' for some people, and I try to avoid high places mostly, but this was so utterly heartbreakingly beautiful that I forced myself to do it. Amazing exhilarating experience, and I wrote one of my best poems ever afterwards.
Thanks Trevor, glad you liked 'Killing the Piano'. You're right about the digital stuff - there's nothing wrong with them (I've got a few keyboards lying around my flat!) but there's so much more to a real piano than that.
thanks for your kind comments on 'back to the park' Trevor - I'm pleased that you liked it - thanks for taking the time to comment
Farwell to Ziggy too ! What great man, we have to take up the challenge.
Thank you for the like on 'my poem' Trevor ?
Thank you for your comment on dark days.
Write On Trevor!
J. Otis Powell‽
<Deleted User> (13947)
Thu 16th Jun 2016 12:49
Trevor-thank you for the like on Worship :)
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Tue 28th Jan 2025 14:38
Thanks for the like, really enjoy your work.