The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 32 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Taylor Crowshaw

Updated: Fri, 7 Dec 2018 11:56 am

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Be True To Your Voice (The fear of rejection) I have always written poetry. It is only now with the passage of time that I have gained the confidence to let my voice be heard. I live surrounded by crazy animals and wonderful children. Over the years I have had a career in underwriting insurance policies. Recently I self published an autobiographical work of poetry. I am a mother of ten, grandmother of twenty and great grandmother of one. My story deserved to be told, to be related to by many ordinary people who have had similar experiences. Poetry cannot be stylised into somebody else's voice. Our voices are individual they belong to us they are us. In our poetry we should be true to our voice. I understand that poetry magazines look for a type of voice which is absolutely fine. In truth it can only be what an individual or individuals enjoy which limits their choices of poets to publish. Of course this is absolutely ok, however to try and emulate their voice is a fools errand. Surely we can only write, and create pictures from our own pallet. Each poem in whatever style or genre has value. Do not be discouraged or afraid, embrace rejection because it is only one or a group of individuals preferences. Your voice deserves to be heard. I found encouragement from a blog which helped me to hold true and have confidence in my work. I want to reach out and touch people in a way that only the written word can. I do not measure my success not in a monetary way. Although that is important and welcome. The measure of my success lies in these few simple words: If you laugh with me, I have succeeded. Cry with me, I have succeeded. Chuckle or weep, success. If I evoke emotion I have succeeded. The one thing I have learnt is that you cannot force or formulate poetry. The words just arrive and bang on the door until you let them out. I hope that this small rant has been of some interest and look forward to your comments. Taylor


Whispers How easily those words trip from your tongue. Softly spoken still they are wrong. Like poison delivered from a viper's bite. Swiftly gone as in the dead of night. Sickly murmurings soft as silk. Still the words drip drip from your cup of milk. Oh how easily you sigh. You hear my breath catch as you pass by. Thick and heavy your words rain down. Their smothering voice in which I drown. You are blind, can you not see, those whisperings destroying me. I am bowed, defeated this battle lost. I surrender, my life the cost. © 2018 Taylor Crowshaw Smile Where are you behind that smile. I have not seen you in a while. Your hollow laughter I can hear. I know you must be somewhere near. I want to reach in and pull you out. If I do you will only shout. Retreating again to your safe place. With just a smile on your face. © 2018 Taylor Crowshaw Who Said That? Someone once said to me. 'You need to write amazing poetry.' I can only write the words that come into my head, but I would love to write amazing poetry instead. Is there a special formula of which I am unaware? Or do they pluck the words from out of thin air? The words just appear to me as if I'm being fed, but I would love to write amazing poetry instead. I feel as if I'm always clowning around. Looking everywhere for amazing poems to be found. I can't find them anywhere, even under my bed. So I'll just have to write whatever pops into my head. © 2018 Taylor Crowshaw

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Big Sal

Thu 3rd Jan 2019 02:52

Have a great New Year, Taylor, I hope to read more of your work and to get your second book soon.

Be well and remember to smile for the little things and for the day.?

Big Sal

Tue 18th Dec 2018 14:15

Thank you for continuing to read.?


Sun 16th Dec 2018 09:12

everybody orders everything from Amazon
this was satire on that process.



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John Marks

Sat 15th Dec 2018 00:36

Thanks Taylor. X


Sat 15th Dec 2018 00:10

did you realize you sent the same comment
four times?
at least that's how it came to me.
but good to hear from you again
i was wondering what happened to you
now i am 4 times blessed.

<Deleted User> (16837)

Fri 14th Dec 2018 10:36

Thank You Taylor for reading and appreciating my poem....?


Sun 9th Dec 2018 11:06

me too.
love your new dog pic.
3 dog night
or day.


Big Sal

Fri 7th Dec 2018 12:03

Nice new pic. Thanks again.?


Thu 6th Dec 2018 21:23

Taylor made!
or maybe
at any rate
your comment
I appreciate!


Mon 3rd Dec 2018 12:17

cant tell what your two emoji's are.
either they are laughing or crying.
not sure which.
too small and
my eyes are bad.
if i squint they look
like me.

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Suko Waspodo

Sat 1st Dec 2018 22:57

Thanks for your comment on 'Script Without Words'?


Sat 24th Nov 2018 11:44

Inspired I'm not
that being said
Expiring is
what I mostly



Mon 19th Nov 2018 03:16

thank you so muchfor your comment on
"The Space of a Lifetime".
Now I have the will to go on.


Sat 17th Nov 2018 14:35

Mothers make us
cringe a bit
'tween love and fear
which one is which
we live with both
but here's the glitch
when sisters rule
they love to snitch.


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Ian Whiteley

Thu 15th Nov 2018 14:09

thanks for the comment on 'a poppy in winter' Taylor - yep - it was really all about choice - I don't think a soldier fighting in WW1 would have wanted 'remembrance' to be just about remembering (which I think is the red poppy message) without pairing it with learning lessons (Which I think the white poppy encourages)

Big Sal

Thu 8th Nov 2018 11:12

Thank you for sharing your poetry with me.?

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Jon Stainsby

Thu 8th Nov 2018 07:21

Taylor, thanks for your words in my profile. I do not thank people enough so, thank you for liking and commenting on my poems.



Mon 5th Nov 2018 22:27

Thank you Taylor for your kind comment
on my poem. I am at a loss for words.


Sun 4th Nov 2018 01:12

use fish net with long handle.



Sat 3rd Nov 2018 11:51

At least you were not Under the concrete!


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john short

Fri 2nd Nov 2018 13:28

Hi Taylor,

I read your poems in Poesis Literary Magazine and particularly liked Midnight. I can definitely relate to this racing brain thing and having too much imagination. But then without it we probably couldn't write poetry. These days there are many techniques for mind control. I do a 5 minute meditation every day and find it helps.

John S


Thu 1st Nov 2018 22:57

no phone
no future
give me 2 cans
and a string.


Thu 1st Nov 2018 03:37

I don't know how you do it.
you always comment.
not just mine
but so many others.
do you do it?

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Becky Who

Wed 31st Oct 2018 22:28

Hi Taylor, thanks for commenting "Intertextual Protest", and for all your support as always. I'm not always on top of thanking people sorry - time seems to go by so quickly these days!

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Candice Reineke

Wed 31st Oct 2018 18:28

Thanks, Taylor, for your comment on “All Hallow’s Eve” ? ?


Tue 30th Oct 2018 01:58

thanks for reading Mobile Home
thanks for always commenting.


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M.C. Newberry

Fri 26th Oct 2018 16:53

Hi TC -
the recording/music for my lyric "Where Do You Go?" was
by Bob Evans who has a number of CD albums to his credit.
You can look him up (Bob Evans Music) online. Over to you.

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Jon Stainsby

Mon 22nd Oct 2018 20:11

I love 'The Death of Love'. It is wonderful.


Mon 22nd Oct 2018 01:30

thanks for the comment.
now change that photo.
aren't you tired of
holding that sheep?


Sun 21st Oct 2018 17:53

Once is enough
it should suffice
but so much like You
to send it twice.

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