The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Candice Reineke

Updated: Fri, 13 May 2022 09:24 am

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My favorite things are words, nature and worthy moments. I delight in the intertwining of those things. I shoot videos for a living and photos for a thrill. I'm looking for a platform to post some poetry for people who might enjoy it as much as I do.

Red Chair

At dusk, the giant, red lifeguard chair was calling my name [even though it bore several "keep off" signs]. I climbed to the top, as wind whipped precautions away. The full moon stream lit cream crests atop dark, blue waves. The tide rolled up under me, through the tall wooden legs, its highest venture all day. For a moment I imagined my chair wouldn't stay. And gravity played along, suspending me above the unknown. Oh, for a moment anyway ;) © Candice Reineke 2013

Thinking of Me?

Here is our place Where every element of you saturates every sense of me You knew I would be here today You knew before I was me Golden reeds tittup to the wind Mounds swirl with grains of sand Blues stroke your scape, smudged with greens And whites of waves race to wet my feet Were you thinking of me? The smell of salt and sound of gulls Smooth, ribbed and sharp shells Not one of them dull Goose bumps rise with your sweeping air Just as swiftly, your sun warms my skin there Yes, you knew me then But I know you now You must've been thinking of me © Candice Reineke 2013

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Fri 29th Oct 2021 12:27

"made me smile"
That's the whole idea!

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Candice Reineke

Sat 28th Nov 2020 17:19

Thanks for the note, Paul! My work, graduate classes, and 2020 had the gall to gobble up my time. I’m happy to finally catch my breath to see you poets carrying on with your magical blogs. ?

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Fred Nicholson

Sun 13th Oct 2019 17:48

Thank you for your on going support Candice.

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Fred Nicholson

Wed 9th Oct 2019 00:30

Hello Candice,
Your samples are enchanting to absorb.
'RED CHAIR' is color-full, exhilarating, and nature-full.
T'HELL WITH HAIKUS had me laughing and counting.
'THINKING OF ME' had me inhaling and hearing the gulls.

a Living Paradise
Your impact-full compliment induced a rush of tingling chills.
I enjoyed visualizing the image compilation you presented.
I heartily thank you.

Haven't figured out the chore of uploading a profile picture yet.

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 4th Oct 2019 20:59

Thank you Candice for your comment on my poem THE MONSTER. I am The Monster because ran out of coffee?


Thu 26th Sep 2019 03:30

thank you for reading "the C-Word".
my prespective on a terrible disease.


Mon 23rd Sep 2019 11:38

Thanks for reading "Stray Thoughts"
that's about all I can say,
I guess most of my other thoughts
have apparently strayed away.


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Taylor Crowshaw

Mon 29th Oct 2018 16:22

Thank you Candice..I too am sat by my fire..?

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Alexandra Parapadakis

Mon 27th Oct 2014 09:17

Thank you for the nice comment on 'Scoliosis' :-)
On the topic of 'Pre-Social Media times' I think the extent to which social media dominates our lives is definitely dependent on our location and it's culture. Yet I think it has greatly effected the majority of western societies! I live in England :-)

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 26th Oct 2014 21:29

Re "It" hmm haha touché

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 26th Oct 2014 21:22

Candice, you have it sussed. In my case epilepsy (a recent development) along with several types of dysphasia. But I am quite the "bonvivaunt" at social gatherings. Low blood sugar...diabetes? I could imagine us together on a night out (or shopping in Tesco's) and having simultaneous equations!

Preeti Sinha

Sat 20th Sep 2014 18:25

Thanks for your lovely comment, Candice :)

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Ged the Poet

Sat 23rd Aug 2014 14:27

Candice - you have a great body of poetic work. 'All I want to do is write' and 'T'hell with Haikus' have a great inner warmth when I read them. 'Thinking of me?' and 'Discontented Diabetic' show a completely different aspect. I really enjoy your writing.

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Tue 19th Aug 2014 21:07

Thanks for the nice comment Candice.

I re-posted this piece as a sample of meaningless twaddle, that even I as the author can't find any sense in. I re-posted it in support of Phil Fletcher's recent comment regarding what he describes as PC "pretentious crap" I consider this to be a perfect example.

My own style of poetry is old fashioned, with an easily identifiable rhyming theme, and usually takes me anything up to a fortnight to compose. This one took twenty minutes

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Dominic James

Mon 11th Aug 2014 08:50

Thanks for comment on Beethoven, Candice. Yup, he gets to me: it's music first I think.

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Sun 10th Aug 2014 18:40

Welcome to WOL Candice - I'm glad you seem to be enjoying it. I've enjoyed reading your poetry - I'm not a great one for poetry about nature, but when it reflects emotions or moods, then I like it very much.

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Laura Taylor

Thu 3rd Jul 2014 10:07

Ah nice one Candice - good idea to remove some, to put back later.

Thanks for your note on Before and After :D The gig that inspired that was the last time I felt the fear so badly :D It actually worked cathartically haha :D Hurray! The magic of poetry :D

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Graham Sherwood

Wed 2nd Jul 2014 21:43

Hello Candice

Welcome to Write Out Loud.
I hope you enjoy the site. We're really looking forward to reading some of your work and I know that you will be warmly welcomed by other WOL-ers too.

Thanks for already uploading a picture of yourself.

Have a good browse around, there’s lots going on and if you have the time to make some comments about the work of other poets please feel free. It’s the best way to get some constructive feedback about your own work too.
There’s always someone who’ll help you out with a problem, so just ask and someone will get back to you. It’s a friendly place, so welcome once again.

Graham Sherwood

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Candice Reineke

Wed 2nd Jul 2014 15:02

Thanks for reading Laura, and I appreciate the tip. I think that's one of the reasons why I write things that others can have the chance to feel those moments too. I think I'll delete some and re-post later.

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Laura Taylor

Wed 2nd Jul 2014 09:31

Hi Candice

Welcome to WOL :) I hope you find as much joy here as I always have.

Many thanks for your note on 23:4 re-drawn. Appreciate you taking the time to read and comment.

Loving your samples above! Very distinct and original voice you have.

One tip - don't post all your poems at once. Due to the nature of how the blogs are displayed, only the most recent one will show on the main blog section, which means the others will not get the attention they deserve.

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