The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Shirley Smothers

Updated: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 06:16 pm

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I am an amateur poet. I hope to improve my writing. I live in Texas. I have been writing for about ten years. I mostly write poetry. I have two short stories but they need a lot of work. My poem "The Price of Freedom" has been published in "The Poetry Explosion Newsletter"also known as the "Pen". This poem has also been published in "The Scarlett Pooh". My poem "The Price of Freedom" original version has been published in "Lone Stars" #69 Summer 2011. My poem "The Price of Freedom,extended edition has been accepted for publication in "Flowers and Vortexes X11" at I'll update when this edition comes out. My poem "God is Everywhere" has been published in the online newsletter " Winter 2011 Volume 1 issue 3. Of course this is a christian poem so please be advised. My prose/poem "A Dream"/"A Floatation Device" will be published soon at Again this is Christian so please be advised. My haiku poems "Anger" and "The Price of Freedom"(yes I have this poem in haiku form also) have been published online at issue 6. My poem "The Price of Freedom" has been published in a family friendly newsletter. The name of this newsletter is "The Poets Art".


"The Price of Freedom" A ghostly image of a soldier stood in the back ground, as a mother with a babe in her arms stood by a grave site. She lowly whispered, "Father this is your son. Son this is your father. He gave his life so that others might live." "Deep Inside" When I first learned of my pregnancy I burst with pride, But then there was a pain deep inside. The doctor informed me the pregnancy had ended, I felt my heart could never be mended. The passage of time has helped the pain subside. But time to time I shed a tear deep inside. This child lives in my heart, I must confide deep inside. "My Mother's Gentle Hands" My Mother used to comb my long hair. When she hit a tangle I would cry out in pain. She would place her gentle hands upon my head and whisper, "I'm sorry darling but you must endure the pain so that your hair will be shiny and beautiful." When my life hits a tangle I long for my mother's gentle hands to ease the pain.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Shirley Smothers

Jimmy Rockford (23/04/2013)

Deep Down Inside (16/01/2013)

The Creepy Old House (17/10/2012)

Despair (19/09/2012)

Kids With Drugs (04/04/2012)

A Silly Goblin Poem (10/10/2011)

A silly poem about hair. (18/09/2011)

Gray Earth (10/09/2011)

The Air is Still (21/08/2011)

Anger (13/08/2011)

More audio from Shirley Smothers…

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Jon Stainsby

Thu 23rd Aug 2018 07:50

Hi Shirley,

Thanks for your words.

I hope you can learn to live with your anxiety and that it doesn't overcome you. I too have suffered and suffer from anxiety. I try to be aware of it and learn to accept it is a part of me, and try to move on from there.

Take care of yourself,


<Deleted User> (13762)

Mon 21st Aug 2017 19:46

thank you Shirley - I most certainly will. Colin.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 11th Jul 2017 13:42

Hi again Shirley - keep fighting the good fight when you
feel low. Gently setting aside any religious sentiments, I
always get a lift when listening to Always Look On The
Bright Side of Life (from the Monty Python film "Life of Brian"). Sometimes, the absurdities of living can help
deal with the reality! A smile or chuckle can often be a
wonderful addition to the feeling that you're not on your
own in times of personal stress. It may be something to
do with the endorphins but who cares when it can work?!
Laughter really can be the best medicine!
The American side of my family began when my eldest
sister June took the trip Stateside after WW2 to marry
Bill Blanchard (from Louisiana) who had preceded her on
his own return home, injured in the post D-Day ops.and
returned to the UK for medical attention, where they met. Both are now gone but their large family is now
spread as far as Washington in the east and California
in the West. June had her own share of family tragedy
- the hardest being the loss of her beloved son Mark in
an industrial accident after he had returned home - a
survivor of the horrors of war service in Vietnam.
Another child is a lifelong haemophiliac, whilst an elder
son collapsed and died while out jogging. Thankfully,
this last sadness happened after she had passed on.
Now the grandchildren are grown and time moves on,
bringing its joys and hardships to newer generations.
As someone once observed: "Life's a funny old game"!!
But it's all we have so we have to make the best of it,
I guess. Good luck to you and your daughter.
P.S. I've completed a tune which
I've called "Home Again Rag" to celebrate the return home of my
elder sister from hospital just prior
to her 84th birthday this month.
I'm thinking of uploading it to WOL
so keep an eye out for it. It will
help to get your feet tapping!

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 18th Apr 2014 16:22

Hello Shirley - delighted to see the new post.
Thanks for the message on my profile page.
Happy Easter!

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Sat 21st Dec 2013 07:54

Thanks for the open feedback, Shirley. You are much appreciated. I guess my onus for the poem was a query as to why we are raised on ideals of aiming for the unreachable and then shot down to a compliant existence. I guess I believe that there are possible dreams if we go about them the right way. Thanks again. Frederick

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Nigel Astell

Thu 28th Nov 2013 15:45

Hi Shirley

On each Christmas
a card delivered
Mum and Dad
for every gift
you gave me
I would return
to have you
both with me.

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Donna Marie Beck

Sun 8th Sep 2013 11:51

Hey Shirley, i'm glad you liked my poem 'Wise Sea'. I wrote it a few days ago when i was on holiday in Spain. There's a part of me that's a bit intimidated by the sea but i have a lot of respect for it. I appreciate your comment.

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Pete Slater

Tue 27th Aug 2013 00:29

Hi Shirley. Thank you for reading THE FOLLY OF YOUTH. Your comments are much appreciated. Ta!!

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 21st Aug 2013 23:43

Surrered = suffered?

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John Coopey

Sun 28th Jul 2013 23:05

Hello Shirley,
Glad you liked "The Rhymes They Are A-Changin'" and that it made you smile.

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Nigel Astell

Thu 11th Jul 2013 14:44

My kind of poetry - - - send it soon

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 6th Jul 2013 19:30

Glad you enjoyed listening! Sorry, though, the voice you hear isn't mine. I know my limitations!! I put my stuff on tape for a guy who runs a recording studio. He and others do the honours on CD recordings.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 5th Jul 2013 14:50

Hi Shirley - thanks for your interest in my song "You Smiled". You can easily find it under "audio sample" near the top of my home profile page. Just click on it and you should hear it play - no problem!

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John Coopey

Thu 27th Jun 2013 21:19

Hello Sirley,
Many thanks for your comments on "One Wheel On My wagon". Yes, 'm afraid it did happen to us around 2 weeks ago, but luckily, no-one was hurt.
I suppose writing a silly song about it is my way of getting it out of my system!

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Fri 17th May 2013 17:23

Thank you Shirley so pleased you liked it, and do you know its about a year old and so often people miss its very obvious meaning, you understood it perfectly.
No I cant paint for toffee so I didn't do the artwork but it is a great pic.
As a father who home-educated his son and was the house wife if you like, I have maybe a better understanding of motherhood than many men xx thanks

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John Coopey

Sat 4th May 2013 22:18

Hello Shirley,
Many thanks for your kind comments on my parody of Abba "I Had A Bream". Glad you liked it.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 27th Apr 2013 12:53

Hi again Shirley - thanks for taking the trouble to read "Dambuster" - and for the kind comment. It was a memorable experience sitting there listening to an actual participant from that legendary WW2 deed. Can you imagine how popular he and his pilot (the American Joe McCarthy) were with the other crew as they kept going around until satisfied that the bomb drop was accurate at that difficult to reach target? The other planes intended to attack that dam didn't do so for various reasons and the target, while damaged, stayed intact. "617" lost fifty three crew (nearly half their number) on that raid on three separate dams. Only recently have Bomber Command got their proper memorial here in Green Park, central London.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 12th Jan 2013 23:09

Hi again Shirley and thank you so much for the wonderful news regarding little Isabella.

It has no doubt lifted your spirits as well.

An awful thing for the whole family to have to endure.Good luck and good health to you all.

Patricia and Stef.xx..XX for Isabella.

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Shirley Smothers

Tue 23rd Oct 2012 17:15

Wow M.C.
That is eery. The perfect poem for Halloween.
It's poems like this that inspire me to write poems like my, "The Creepy Old House".
See you in the nightmares.

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 23rd Oct 2012 15:16

Hi Texas...
have you ever fought yourself awake from a bad
dream? if so, you might identify with my poem
which was posted some while ago. Here it is for you.
As we come at last to death,
Short of time and short of breath,
Is going quietly what it seems?
Do we depart to nightmare dreams

From which in life we would awaken,
Shivering, sweating, badly shaken?
Could it be as we meet death
We dream of dying from want of breath?

And what is worse - that in the taking
How hard we try there's no awaking!
Hope this doesn't give your sleepless nights!!

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chris stevenson

Sat 13th Oct 2012 17:37

.. hello Shirley Smothers.. just enjoyed listening to your audio pieces .. slightly surreal on a wet Manchester afternoon .. but very interesting.

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Graham Sherwood

Mon 24th Sep 2012 22:42

Shirley, many thanks for your kind comments on A Vendre. Graham

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John Coopey

Mon 24th Sep 2012 22:40

Hello Shirley-across-the-miles.
Glad to see you're posting audio. I checked out your "Silly Poem...". Enjoyed it a lot.
Also, glad you liked Shandy Man. I think your description of my audio as "singing" is a bit flattering! It's certainly not something to be envious of!

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Shirley Smothers

Sun 23rd Sep 2012 15:48

A small bud, withered
But just a few drops of rain
Beautiful flower

I was inspired to write
this after reading
Nigel's poem.

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Nigel Astell

Sat 22nd Sep 2012 14:55

I shall have to inspire you more - - - love it

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Wed 20th Jun 2012 13:14

"Deep Inside" is amazing,such a lot of passion and meaning in a short poem ,love the way you rhythmiclly repeat "deep inside"as you progress-brilliant!!!

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Yvonne Brunton

Wed 30th May 2012 23:56

Hi Shirley, thanks for your information about the site I actually think your 'Mime Rhyme' is the best one but the site is not much cop overall is it? One of the little rhyming poems they have put up does not even rhyme!!

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Tue 8th May 2012 22:20

And your comment made me laugh too! I understand now - didn't realise you were from America.

Accents really affect so many things, syllable counts being just one of them. Part of my job involves teaching phonics to primary school children, who are struggling with reading. The accent of our region can make it difficult at times - for example - 'air' as in hair is pronounced more like 'er' as in her. It's great fun trying to get them to give me correct examples. I think there can be no substitute for just sitting down and reading with kids. All the theory in the world can't replace the value of that.

I'm glad to hear that all your experiences of this site are positive :) x

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Tue 8th May 2012 06:57

Perhaps it's one of those words that can be pronounced differently and affected by one's regional accent. Reet... glad to hear you are writing out your annoyance - it always helps.

I've found that poets are inspired by other poets' ideas. I've posted on a certain subject and then seen poems come up on the same theme soon after. Unless people are lifting chunks of my poem, I'm not too bothered - glad,in fact, that I may have been an inspiration. I think poets all have uniquely different styles and the same subject can be handled so differently.

I have been influenced to write a poem by reading the work of others on here. I would normally mention that somewhere in comments though. It all depends to what degree and how much has been borrowed. If I write something really good (which happens very very occasionally), I always have this fear that I might have seen it somewhere else and had it lurking in my subconscious. It must be a worry for most poets, I imagine.

Nice talking, anyway. Isobel x

<Deleted User> (10123)

Fri 4th May 2012 17:51

Hi SS,
as a long distance lorry driver (that came out as 'long distance river' not a bad idea to start from!!!) I'm not always near the old WWW but I'm 'ere now,
I see you take your written stuff seriously, beware! there are those with millions of qualifications that are a tad pendantic about spurious grammatical ... (what!) this is poetry not a classroom for conjugation of Latin verbs!
Haiku's tin is tight for syllabic affitionados but if you wish to dip your toes ... then be my guest but beware there lurks a chap called TT who is a master of , well! several variations of (proper) poetry and if he spots your stuff he may well be the voice to ask!! The only real voice is, of course, your own. Despite my rabblings - go for it - and it will do what it says on the tin!
Ta muchly, Nick.
ps sorry it's a bit wordy - even moreso now!

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