The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 39 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Fri, 16 Sep 2022 05:32 pm

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Poet from Wigan who now writes very infrequently but loves the creativity and company of fellow poets.


Not Quite Roses and Daffodils Nothing stands the test of time not flesh, not soil, not stone and one day you'll be gone built over transformed to something brave and new and no-one will remember just what made You and in a way that's sad for there was beauty there - amid the dereliction and decay the wears and tears of every day, between the yous of now and then, and the daisies pushing through

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Isobel

52 Hertz Comp - Time to Vote (30/06/2013)

52 Hertz - WOL Comp (07/06/2013)

52 Hertz (10/05/2013)

Chlamydia (02/10/2011)

Experimental Podiatry in 9 1/2 Weeks (25/06/2011)

Shoes, Feet and all things Podiatric (06/06/2011)

The Yeung Sing Hotel (02/04/2011)

The Stuff of Life (01/04/2011)

Something Old, Something New (02/03/2011)

Upon Disappearing (09/01/2011)

More audio from Isobel…

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 12th Apr 2024 18:15

Isobel, dear! I am so happy to see you. but you know I can't post my poems because I was absent for a long time.
Anyway, I hope my problem will be solved and I can communicate with my friends.

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 2nd Apr 2023 20:33

Good to see you on WOL again. Time to get writing again!

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Stephen Atkinson

Mon 19th Sep 2022 09:40

Thank you, Isobel for commenting on Reflections & liking some of my other stuff ๐Ÿ˜†
Enjoyed reading some of your work too. Some powerful, & entertaining pieces ๐ŸŒˆ

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 18th Oct 2019 21:31

Re" how to shop for shoesโ€œ... Absolutely Isobel. ????

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Wed 16th Oct 2019 14:39

Thanks for your comment Isobel, that's very kind of you. ? I'm loving reading the little insights people are adding to Graham's discussion topic. The way/how people create definitely does pique my curiosity (nosiness?).

As for your poem yesterday, I absolutely agree and had been thinking about a similar one expressing my wondering of all the poets on WoL whose work remains but they themselves have moved on. When I get time I love to jump back in time on this site and discover poems from those who aren't posting daily. I often discover fantastic pieces of writing. I might comment on them or like them never sure whether the author will ever see it or if they're even still alive. How to sum all this up in a poem, well, I'll have to wait for inspiration to strike... ? Tom.

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 12th Jan 2019 08:17


(A lesson for women)

Enter St. John's Market

15:30 hours.

Locate shop-

walk up to shoe rack-

choose shoes-

pay at till-

Exit St John's Market

15:37 hours...

NEXT WEEK: How to 'Tell a Joke'

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 29th Dec 2018 15:33

Isobel, re Advice to Men poets you have a clarity of vision ?

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Mon 13th Jun 2016 12:49

You made a superb compere Alex - relaxed, jovial, natural - everything you could ask for - and you seemed to enjoy it as much as we did! Look forward to seeing you do it again! Xxx

Miss Alexandra Fiona Swarbrick

Sat 11th Jun 2016 16:39

Hello Mrs.
Just to say thank you for your kind words on Thursday.
For all the time you have given me.
Good luck with everything.
I'm still too nervous to put a profile up on here, some sad memories for me.
See you whenever.
love me :) x
Ps forgot my password and had changed email so had to make a new one with the full name !

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Fri 9th Oct 2015 16:44

Morning Judge ;) What a great night we had! No need to thank me - I think us poets are a community supporting each other - even if we don't individually realise it!

And it was good to see you looking so radiant! xxx

Alex Swarbrick

Fri 9th Oct 2015 09:28

Morning Izzy.
Thankyou for your support over last 3 and a half years.
So glad you found happiness.
You so deserve it.
God bless you and yours
much love
Alex x

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 13th May 2015 18:53

thanks for the kind comments on 'Once Upon A Time' Isobel. I like to visit nostalgia central once in a while - it sort of lightens my mood up a bit :-)
Pleased that you liked it

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 28th Nov 2014 10:11

thanks for the kind comments on 'last orders' Isobel - yes, we're all going to be a little sadder for the Tudor's passing :-( good luck with the panto........he's behind you!!!!!

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 23rd Nov 2014 23:26

Hello Isobel.

Not surprised you can't make out the friend's friends friend poem.
I came over all Winston Plowes and decided to try something experimental but unlike Win used to do, I didn't explain it, but just waited to see if there was any comment or interest in it.

So first of all thanks.

I can't imagine that you will have enough time on your hands to try this but it is quite simple.

First pick a friend of your Facebook page and write down their last entry. Next pick one of their friends from their page and do the same thing. Keep doing this for seven friends or so (it's really interesting what comes up).

Then rearrange the lines into some sort of prose.

Sorry for the confusion.


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Graham Sherwood

Tue 4th Nov 2014 09:33

Thank you for your lovely message Isobel.

Beatrix (known forever as BB) was born in February, only 3.1lbs and eight weeks premature.

This was my first hold after a six week stay in the SCBU but all good now and she never stops smiling.

Grandchildren are the best thing for old chuffers like me!

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Candice Reineke

Mon 27th Oct 2014 15:57

Isobel, thanks so much for your comments on "Pre-SocialMedia Times". No doubt our virtual lives are here to stay, but it's nice to pretend that the technology hasn't even been invented yet, and to focus instead on the person/loved ones right in front of least every once in a while :)

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Tue 21st Oct 2014 19:52

Isobel, thankyou for your comment on Orange County. It's much appreciated :D x

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Gus Jonsson

Tue 7th Oct 2014 15:34

Hello Izo

Thank you for reading a commenting... yes a little on the dark side...but that's just the way I am these days.

However I hear every thing in your garden is rosy and long may it continue.

I hope you are well and look forward to seeing you soon.

Regards Gus xx

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 6th Aug 2014 22:55

thanks for the kind comments on 'death of a poet' Iz - glad you liked it. I've reposted with the music that I finished recording today - hope it does it and him justice. good to have you back in circulation - see you at the tudor(/)

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 3rd Aug 2014 23:33

Isobel, are you really that busy?? We need some new work please!!




Tue 15th Jul 2014 17:46

Thank you Isobel for appreciating my poem.

Nelly x

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Shirley Smothers

Wed 14th May 2014 17:32

Hi Isobel,

Thank you for your comments on my Brevette Poems(Second Edition). I don't necessarily believe the poems I wrote. The original was a writing challenge for a Christian newsletter. But I try to keep a positive outlook. Sometimes this does not work. LOL!

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Thu 1st May 2014 14:07

Thanks Steve - I was hoping to get across the fact that poetry could be written in all shapes and forms and I'm glad that came across.

I really enjoyed myself, though it was an incredibly tiring day. It didn't help rushing from one thing to another and being half an hour late - the story of my life....

It would be great if other WOLers did do it and and if they also fed questions in to the show, as you did - I think it would make for much livelier, insightful discussion.

I'll google that anthology, thanks for the tip - and yes, I agree, Greg's news section is awesome!

Thanks again Steve - you're a star. x

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Laura Taylor

Sat 19th Apr 2014 11:08

Cheers Is for your note on Rebellious Senescence :)

Yeh, I wanted 'resurrect' as it kept with the biblical feel of it, although 'rise again' had been considered :)

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Mon 10th Feb 2014 01:26

Thanks for the sympathetic remarks Isobel.

It might seem horrific to you, but snacking gravy off the chest is a survival instinct, and shows that one is still capable of independent living post 80.
Women, I might add, have the added advantage of possessing natural contours for the channeling of gravy reserves.

"I could go on"

Iv'e lost it haven't I! Ken.

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Katy Megan Hughes

Fri 31st Jan 2014 21:16

Thank you Isobel! One day I might be brave enough to do some readings too (fully clothed of course...)

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Greg Freeman

Wed 8th Jan 2014 15:42

Glad you enjoyed Frank's Valentine poem, Isobel. I found myself talking about Write Out Loud after his funeral, and a number of people there urged me to put it up on our site.

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Sat 21st Dec 2013 12:47

Thanks, Isobel, for your holistic response. It is a very potent yet varied dynamic and each person will have, I imagine, their unique experience and position in the wide range of possibilities. You are much appreciated: 'The possible dream.' Frederick

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 11th Dec 2013 13:18

Isobel, thank you so much. My Mother Says is barely 'just finished', a couple of days only. I don't often post so quickly. Your comments are excellent and are now incorporated. This has been a work of the heart, on my mind for a long time. I couldn't have asked for a better response. I did consider calling it 'The Tutoring Lesson', but opted for the circular closing to optimize the 'shock' which I felt when this 'story' actually occurred. I'm hoping more than one theme runs through this work.

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 7th Dec 2013 17:17

Thanks for the kind comment on my owl poem. But I hope you were able to access the film and soundtrack too? Just click on the link - cos the poem itself is an oldie :)

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