The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Katy Megan

Updated: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 10:01 pm


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My first poetry collection "Of Lilith and Anthony" is being reworked and I have completed a second poetry collection called “Shadows of Magdalene” last year. Slowly getting back into the game but only have time for short poems on Twitter at the moment…


Beholden to Behind A thumb - intently placed on chin caressing every freckle into a letter that spells out a story. Blushing lips that remand and remade the ending Forefinger - smoothing the jaw straight as lines read and re-read. He turns her over like a page his favourite fable, ever inch a mythology of unreason. Genteel palm - perfectly placed on ripened white, depressing spine into maidenly goading of docility. Two hearts, to start - a beautiful violation.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 31st Jan 2022 03:39

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 20th Sep 2016 12:15

'Writing disobedient verse for voyeurs'? There's no such thing anymore, Katy. Who, exactly, do you think you are disobeying? Strange word for a free-thinker.

Genuinely interested, if you care to comment.

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Nigel Astell

Mon 22nd Aug 2016 15:07

If not doing calm - - - just stay wild and willing.

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Paul Point

Mon 6th Jun 2016 13:38

You're very welcome!
Please visit us at The Chocolate Poetry Club some time :)

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 11th Mar 2016 17:34

Katy I'll try to recall the point in question :-) Tommy

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 15th Feb 2016 11:44

Actually, I thrive on discourse, providing it stays free of the premise that there is only one right answer to anything, and hence personal antagonism or a sense of personal superiority. And that includes me too.

Sometimes, in watching 'The Big Questions' on Sunday morning, after Andrew Marr, I just get up and walk out of the room. You can clearly tell when the subject has reached an impasse, and nothing is going to be learned by anyone through further discussion. Body language, often more than words, is so telling of an intransigent attitude.

This sounds like a Monday morning homily. Sorry about that. I'm reading up a bit again on St. Anthony ... fascinating man and monastic precedent.

Cheers, Cynthia

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 9th Feb 2016 11:39

Katy, I also feel that if I enjoy my own poetry, then chances are someone else will too. And I do like my own work, as if it is not even mine, just another writer entirely. Otherwise, I either adjust a poem to my own satisfaction, or jettison it. Harshly.

It's hard to know whether this is narcissistic or fairly common among poets. What think you?

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Nigel Astell

Tue 29th Dec 2015 08:40

Christmas drinking eating too
saying some things you might regret
then spending the rest of the year making up!

I did hope you did too!

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Paul Point

Wed 18th Nov 2015 01:22

Great work!

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 14th Nov 2015 18:09

Re Deeply Breathing

Hi Katy, you got 2 out of 3, hope not being one of them;-) cheers Tommy

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 22nd Aug 2015 16:21

Ta Katy

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Nigel Astell

Thu 30th Jul 2015 15:47

Strip naked
then look
love bites
all over
bronze suntanned
tender flesh
your wait
has ended.

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Nigel Astell

Thu 16th Jul 2015 15:01

If not tempted
perhaps a snake-bite instead
you can be the snake.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 24th Jun 2015 11:53

Hi, Katy, - just curious - why are you shy about anal intercourse?

I'm not really sure what 'disobedient barriers' you think you are are breaching. Or whom you think you would offend. But I may be the one outside the accepted pale, and not realizing it yet.

I never once considered my 'Moon Month' to be anything but honest, certainly not offensive to anyone. I may still be very naive.

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Nigel Astell

Thu 4th Jun 2015 22:00

Your shadow has and is most welcome.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 31st May 2015 20:33

Almost 3 years to the day

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Nigel Astell

Thu 18th Dec 2014 15:13

New poetry collection
New hot lover
New year coming - - -

About time you came back!

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Fri 31st Jan 2014 23:29

Lol - from my experience, you get a more attentive audience if you're semi-clad ;) x

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Dave Bradley

Sun 28th Jul 2013 23:58

Hi Katy

I hadn't seen Collier's Lilith. Impressive. And the original is just up the road in Southport - may take a look.

Coincidentally I've been re-reading George Macdonald's enigmatic 'Lilith'. The Victorians seem to have been fascinated by her. Have you run across it?

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 12th Jul 2013 18:46

As to 'The Parting',go ahead. It really is one of my favourites. I often reread it myself, and I WROTE IT! I think the anguish resonates. I'm presuming I'd still be free to publish it myself, in a book?

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Wed 26th Jun 2013 22:22

Hi Katy - it would be brilliant if you could go into the 52 Hertz comp - I'm getting all excited about it now cos it seems to be finally heating up!

All you have to do is blog a poem and tag it with 52 Hertz. You are best choosing the poem that best fits the theme - alienation, loneliness, last of one's kind, singleness... anything that ties into that, even if it's tenuous.

I'm looking forward to reading it - closing date is 30th June. x

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Nigel Astell

Thu 13th Jun 2013 15:35

so captivating
so poetic
so intense
so sexual
so enchanting
this fucking journey is just - - -
so incredible.

p.s yes I did wonder

<Deleted User> (9882)

Wed 29th May 2013 23:04

Yes Katy,I did enjoy the bank holiday.
How very kind of you to ask,hope you did too!x

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 22nd May 2013 00:31

I will not print your profile photo off!
I will not print your profile photo off!
I will not print your profile photo off!


Because Mrs Wilde does'nt believe
I need it to cover a 'stain'above my bed-
you do,dont you?


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Ian Whiteley

Tue 21st May 2013 10:13

Thanks for your comment on 'noticed' Katy - just been reading your 'back catalogue' - how have I not noticed your wonderful poems before? They are quite simply STUNNING! I love reading the female perspective on love, lust and romance - some of your poems are genuinly spine tingling. Keep on keeping on Katy :-)

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Nigel Astell

Tue 21st May 2013 09:55

Sitting in that chair - - - no chance

I could fall under your poetic spell too.

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Nigel Astell

Fri 12th Apr 2013 15:34

but of course - - - I liked the layout of this poem it worked very well.

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Yvonne Brunton

Fri 1st Mar 2013 23:33

Well we poets don't have to be shrinking violets do we? And we can tag our material.

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Mon 14th Jan 2013 09:29

Thank you, kindly. I am most appreciative of your visit & honest response.

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Nigel Astell

Sun 13th Jan 2013 18:04

Sexy lady
Seductive glasses
Poetry book
Would love
To borrow
Mind you
I might
Just get
Stuck on
Page three.

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