The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dave Bradley

Updated: Fri, 19 Jan 2018 09:24 pm

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I've taken early retirement and it keeps me out of mischief. I live by the sea in Waterloo, Crosby, to the North of Liverpool, and very much enjoy going to those open mic nights which are within reach. There is a great deal to appreciate in poetry and poets.


Churchill Obstreperous, cantankerous Obnoxious, pugnacious, Audacious, Surprisingly gracious. Tigerish, liverish Arming, alarming then disarming and charming No saint, never faint Morale booster, crowing rooster, Motivation of the nation, Inspiration Whisky-drinking, clear-thinking Bricklaying, myth slaying Always saying Never give in Never ever give in. Rejected: heart-sore son of a distant father Respected: beloved son of a grateful nation A man on whom the world turned. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Only Fond I mustn't fall in love with you but I can fall in fond or maybe fall in very fond but must not fall I may not fall I really can not fall I should not fall head over heels head in the clouds off my head in love with you * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3D Printer The wise are concerned It will soon print a gun. The police are wondering what's to be done. Forget the gun Print me a friend and print us a dance to dance to the end Print me a soul and please be so kind as to print it a body and print it a mind. Print me some passion Is it too much to ask that you print me some love in silk and damask? Print me some flowers a bouquet not a wreath then print out an oak tree and a meadow beneath. It's marvellous this printing, The future is here. But can it print justice or a good pint of beer? Can you print wisdom? Try printing light or printing the day as it turns into night. Well, it will do a great job with cufflinks and rings. But it's really quite limited. It can only print things * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Old texts old texts on my phone fossils, bones the flesh, the life has gone the texts are words stranded on a beach after a storm a toss and jumble heap of broken sticks and stuff smashed by waves who cares? I care the life was my life and I would put flesh again on the bones if I could

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Tue 12th Nov 2019 10:20

Hi Dave, I just re-read your sample poems again and they're all absolutely excellent. I hope you're well. T

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Harry O'Neill

Wed 4th Nov 2015 20:56

Hi Dave,
Glad to see you back and hope you are well.

I`ve not been to any open mic nights for months now but I`m perking up a bit. I may get to Chester later on so If you are there (and me?) I`ll see you..

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Harry O'Neill

Thu 30th Apr 2015 12:33

Good to see you at Glenys` funeral service...we pray that everything perks up for you on the medical front.

Keep writing.

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Laura Taylor

Thu 6th Nov 2014 16:17

Ta yourself :)

Will see if that's in the library then - cheers

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David Cooke

Fri 31st Oct 2014 07:15

Hi Dave Glad you liked my Navvies!

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 1st Jul 2014 16:45

thanks for your kind comments on 'war boys' David - I'm pleased that you liked it - hope the ankle is well on the mend - see you at an open mic somewhere soon no doubt

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Ged the Poet

Thu 5th Jun 2014 20:13

Hi Dave
Thank you very much for your kind comment on 'Glasto'. I have since practiced reading it in a West Country accent since reading your commment. If I get to an open-mic night one day I will try it. Much appreciated.

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John Togher

Sat 31st May 2014 23:46

Thanks for the comments Dave. I guess I was in a very pessimistic mood when writing the piece, but I do take on board the comment about hopefulness, in that the poem probably does need the glint of hope amidst the cynicism. Currently mulling.


steve mellor

Sat 31st May 2014 13:34

Tripe Dave

I've never tried it either. It makes me gip just looking at it.
I was listening to an elderly lady who seemed to find the closing of the tripe stall a major drama. Meanwhile, the town is decaying. Strange what we find troubling

Hope to see you around some time

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Harry O'Neill

Sun 25th May 2014 17:22

Yvonne and I were down in Lynton watching all the `walkers` going by (Cripes...the boots on them!) It made me think of you.

Just to make you laugh; we accidentally strayed on to a `river of no return` narrow cliff path alongside a very steep drop. The sheer fear of the drop spoiled the beauty of the view somewhat...but we made it (who said that poets are wimps?)

Hope you`re recovering well.

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Dominic James

Wed 14th May 2014 14:35

good choice Dave,
I love the moose, she sure is plain.

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Harry O'Neill

Tue 13th May 2014 12:27

Those pot-holes are there to break crank-
shafts - not ankles!

Hope you have a speedy recovery back to your beloved walking..

Yvonne and I recovering (slowly - but steadily)

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Harry O'Neill

Sun 11th May 2014 22:08

Sorry to hear about the ankle (was it the
hill walking?) Hope it gets better soon.

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 11th May 2014 11:11

thanks for the comment on 'digital clock blues' Dave - I like to try my new ones out at the Tudor - gives me an idea whether they're worth using in longer sets. Like your 'woman of Hoy' one - thought it was well put together. hope the ankle's healing nicely ;-)suffering for your art ;-)

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Ian Whiteley

Sat 19th Apr 2014 15:45

thanks for the comment on 'bruises of the norman yoake' Dave - yes, I thought the link between the diggers and the fracking protests was obvious - but no one seems to have picked up on it, so I thought I'd give it a go :-)

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Laura Taylor

Wed 16th Apr 2014 09:18

Wow. It's very similar isn't it? I was given the theme of 'flesh' by a friend, and I came up with mine, but looking at yours...very similar indeed!

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Laura Taylor

Tue 15th Apr 2014 11:15

Ahhh yes - I remember! Where is that one now?

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Greg Freeman

Mon 31st Mar 2014 09:10

I hope we meet one day, too, Dave - and it could be sooner than you think! Will you be at Write Out Loud Wigan in May by any chance? I'm planning a lightning tour of the north that week.

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John Coopey

Tue 25th Mar 2014 11:23

Dave, Barnsley is the cultural soul of Yorkshire. (Many would say, "Arsoul"). The dialect is almost unintelligible and I say so as someone who lived there for 11 years. I went to an Open Mic in Thurgoland some weeks ago. Kes meets Deliverance.

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 17th Mar 2014 14:24

thanks for the comment on 'silverback inn' Dave - yes it's dark - but written as observed - human nature is all to often dark :-(

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Neil West

Sat 15th Mar 2014 22:01

Hi Dave, I hope you are well. The workshop was fab, I had a group of 12 gifted and talented young writers who soaked up the stimulus and ran with the themes. They took some ideas away to develop over the next week but I hope to share some of their writing next week with you of you're interested!

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Neil West

Fri 7th Mar 2014 15:31

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your advice about the poetry workshop, I do want to do something observational that will have the children thinking more about the language they are using. We'll see...

I hope you don't mind, I have shared your 3d printer poem with our technician and a product designer we work with, touching and hilarious, it left me really in the mood for that good pint of beer!

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Katy Megan Hughes

Mon 27th Jan 2014 20:09

Thank you Dave! : ))) x

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Fri 24th Jan 2014 14:31

thanks Dave for your comment the mountains are alive and well with madness , i don't know why i love doing them , when i am there i get confused and can think why am i here in this wind and rain? but always want to return , think i am addicted to the way things feel up there harsh and strange ,my parents are not fans of my hobby
but i like testing myself i think its human nature i could talk of mountains all day
stay well keep on it peace

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Shirley Smothers

Tue 21st Jan 2014 19:28

Hello Dave,
Thank you for your nice comments on my poem "The Sea Haiku" (stretched out). This is not my best work but I do like experimenting with the formats of my poetry.


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kath hewitt

Thu 16th Jan 2014 20:39

Thanks Dave, appreciate your comment :-)

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Harry O'Neill

Wed 8th Jan 2014 19:55

I got your reminder about the competition idea.

Unfortunately, I did a bit of a beautiful back flip at the bottom of the stairs the other night and back-butted a table and I`m still a bit woozy (was I ever not?) The table is fine though.

For what it`s worth The `idea` was just a photo, with a (specific?) type of commentary poem about it. I offer it for anyone with more
internet savvy if they want it.

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Andy N

Sun 5th Jan 2014 14:46

thanks Nigel. glad you liked this. It was just a bit of fun really although most of it is true in particular the bit about diving cats (one of them missed the windowsill the other night and nearly knocked herself out which would have been worrying if it wasn't so funny - lol).

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 20th Dec 2013 17:49

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your kind comments on my haiku
"Difficult Haiku".
My Father passed away on Dec.9 2009" Sixteen days before Christmas and Eighteen days before his birthday.
So this time of year is a little depressing.

Thank You,

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 7th Dec 2013 17:18

Thanks for the kind comment on my owl poem. But I hope you were able to access the film and soundtrack too? Just click on the link - cos the poem itself is an oldie :)

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