The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Kath Hewitt

Updated: Thu, 2 Jan 2014 01:24 pm

Contact via WOL logo


32,regressing fast, from Wigan and kinda mad ( at stuff and in general ). Book available: From Beginning To End @ I also have had 'I Disappear' published in Uplifting Moments' from United Press ( Available 2012 )


All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Kath Hewitt

No Longer Home (14/05/2021)

untitled (18/02/2014)

untitled (14/01/2014)

Monkey on the park (06/08/2013)

untitled (06/08/2013)

blog (02/08/2013)

No title (30/07/2013)

3.15, Room 7 (29/07/2013)

Shut Down (29/07/2013)

Sounds of Suburbia (27/07/2013)

Read more entries by Kath Hewitt…

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Wed 15th Jan 2014 08:13

Yeah if only.. -sigh-

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Laura Taylor

Tue 14th Jan 2014 13:38

I am indeed well - good to see you around again. Loving that backpiece!! Wow!

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Fri 13th Dec 2013 10:28

Yours poems are really inspiring and genuinely realistic:)
Keep blogging!
i would love for you to check out my poems and give me suggestion to make my poems as good as yours!

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John Coopey

Sat 10th Aug 2013 23:21

Hello Kath,
Thankyou for your kind comments on "Lending".
I think your son is showing early signs of writing talent!

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Wed 31st Jul 2013 08:40

Hiya I have no idea where my comment has gone I did edit it as I saw a spelling mistake then clicked off so I can only think I must of deleted then or something.
Anyway I basically said sometimes making love without the build up can be just as good as with xxxx


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Fri 26th Jul 2013 10:27

No problem Kath, I for sure like your poetry :)

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Andy N

Fri 25th Nov 2011 13:35

running round as family are mostly ill at the moment, but life's good.. hoping to get chance to do some more blogging soon as i have a few new poems on the way to being done (and several on the way to be published).. Perks of being a man of lesire - lol

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Andy N

Tue 22nd Nov 2011 11:17

Hi Kath - cheers for the note over Now and then.. Nothing I can really add about it as it really says it all and wrote itself.

Yeah, otherwise life plods on.. Busy with job search etc. How goes you and your clan? x

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Laura Taylor

Fri 7th Oct 2011 11:47

Thanks Kath

Been missing your words around the place...any new pieces on the go? :)

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Andy N

Fri 7th Oct 2011 08:47

Hi Kath;

on the jobs front - not much sadly.. My job is due to finish off soon and I ain't looking forward to what comes next.. Certainly there isn't much out there - I keep getting agencies offering me jobs on hours and shifts I simply ain't willing to do.. x

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Andy N

Thu 6th Oct 2011 09:20

Hi Kath;

Busy at the moment looking for a new job etc but good.. When I have a bit more time - probably next week-end and into the week after - I'll have time to sit down and do a review for you.

Hope you are okay

A x

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Andy N

Tue 4th Oct 2011 22:43

Hi Kath - am really enjoying your book.. Review to follow on my blog soon when I get time xx

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Tue 4th Oct 2011 20:54

Hellooo... : )
I sent you an e-mail a while back - hope you got it and everything is good! (messaging doesn't seem to be working on here!)

<Deleted User> (7075)

Sat 27th Aug 2011 00:43

Hi Kath, thanks for setting up a discussion on our recent spam attack. Win

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Shirley Smothers

Mon 15th Aug 2011 18:39

Thank you for commenting on my haiku "Anger".
The scary part is that it describes me too well.


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Shirley Smothers

Sat 13th Aug 2011 17:57

Hi Kath. I have posted the haiku "Anger" that I told you about on Tuesday. My daughter Samantha recorded the audio version for me. Although she says it's a little dark for her taste.

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Shirley Smothers

Tue 9th Aug 2011 18:40

Your welcome.
Your Poem "Crying Out" inspired me to post my haiku poem, "Anger". I haven't posted it yet but hope to in 3-4 days.


<Deleted User> (7212)

Thu 23rd Jun 2011 20:52

Hey - we are almost writing in real-time here.
I'm not saying that I am "right" (or wrong) or that I know better, only that -
1. - your poem is great.
2. - the comments were getting a little maudlin
so I thought I'd stir it up a bit... sorry.

still doesn't take anything away from your poem - as me & everyone else says - Marvellous

<Deleted User> (7212)

Thu 23rd Jun 2011 20:26

Hi - Re your comments....
Thank you for you initial comment re Daddys girl.
If the offer of sweeties was supposed to be funny, it wasn't. I thought it was in pretty bad taste. If you meant something else by it, please explain. Kath".
....No, your right, it was just good old-fashioned bad taste. But seriously, I was once told that if you can laugh at bad things, even really bad things - (Hitler, Pol Pot, paedos etc) - it takes away their power, diminishes them & brings them back down to a human scale where we can deal with them as we ought. Your poem is great, but fear breeds fear, whereas if you can laugh at a tyrant it takes away their power over you. Many jewish comedians have jokes about the holocaust. Only my 2 cents. all the best. B

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Andy N

Thu 9th Jun 2011 22:30

thanks for the comment Kath on Summer is here I wrote this after getting soaked at lunchtime on Wednesday and thinking oh god - here we go again - lol..

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Rodney Wood

Wed 8th Jun 2011 10:22

Sorry to name drop. Ezra Pound was talking about how poets should write about the concrete (in an essay about Do's and Dont's. In your case not writing about the actual abuse, but by using metaphor eg a puppy being mistreated say.

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Rodney Wood

Wed 8th Jun 2011 09:44

I was writing about the poem and Pound's going in fear of abstractions.

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Laura Taylor

Sun 5th Jun 2011 11:56

Thanks for your comment on Jane - appreciate it :) You should come along to one of the Wigan nights sometime, if you're localish, would really love to meet you

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Elaine Booth

Sat 4th Jun 2011 12:22

Thanks for your comments & glad you liked! X

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Dave Carr

Fri 20th May 2011 07:00

Ta :-)

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Julian (Admin)

Thu 14th Apr 2011 11:36

It is an interesting question whether blogs are finished work, or work in progress. Obviously they are whatever you want them to be, but I wonder how others view them?
I have posted a discussion about this:

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winston plowes

Mon 7th Feb 2011 17:53

Hi Kath, yes. A great musician. Loved by many. You can see a live performance of the track which features in the title of my poem here. v. emotional. Win

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sun 6th Feb 2011 17:34

Congratulation, Kath. You do very fine work with a sensitive touch on difficult subjects.

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Laura Taylor

Wed 2nd Feb 2011 14:21

Howdy Kath

Ta for your comment on childhood...I think you probably have, going on your poem. Take care x

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Wed 26th Jan 2011 22:06

It's more than a social - it's a community, a caring one. It's your call though. x

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