The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 15 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Dave Carr

Updated: Tue, 7 Jul 2020 08:49 pm

Contact via WOL logo


A member of Chorley and District Writers I live in Wheelton on the Blackburn side of Chorley. I started writing in 2006 and have material on the website and the Runshaw Writers blogspot. I write all sorts of material but have a special liking for comic verse.


The Prisoner Can anybody help me please? I live my life in fear. I have recurring nightmares of Being trapped inside IKEA. I go in for a single bulb, The sort only they sell, And claustrophobia soon sets in, My senses go through hell. I stand amidst a sea of beds; I'm spinning as I shout, "I hate this place! I hate this place! How do I get out?" Hordes of frantic shoppers With yellow shoulder bags; Men with rimless glasses Waving Swedish flags. I dream that I'm surrounded; Attacked by steel utensils; Stabbed by shiny kitchen knives And stubby little pencils. Flat packs tower around me, Shelf on shelf on shelf; A whole lifetime's sentence of Do it your bloody self. Just once I made it to the door And out - "Freedom!" I cried. But then a giant meatball came To bring me back inside. I reached the final checkout; On a trolley there I lay In a self assembed coffin, (A choice of white or grey.) © Dave Carr Papa Oscar Echo Mike Mike was a Romeo, I met him one November Looking for a Juliet as far as I remember; He was a kind of Alpha male, who drove a Ford Sierra, I prefer a man in Uniform but they’re a good deal rarer. He said he liked my dancing shoes and would I like a Foxtrot. We checked into a cheap Hotel and soon he found my hotspot. I read him like an X-ray but he held me fascinated; He could have won an Oscar but the film would be X rated. I started craving spicy food from India and Nepal; I put on weight, a Kilo; that’s not like me at all. Victor at the Golf club said ‘My boy you’ll have to marry her.’ Mike screamed and threw his arms about just like a Zulu warrior. He said ‘You see, I’m not quite ready yet to be a Papa.’ I called him a Charlie and he called me a slapper. But it takes two to Tango as I really ought to know; I Delta blow for women’s lib and told him where to go. He joined a Yankee sailing crew, leaving for Quebec; My scathing cry of ‘Bravo’ seemed to Echo round the deck. He runs a place in Lima now, it’s called the Aztec Bar, Drinking Whiskey, playing cards – I said that he’d go far © Dave Carr

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Dave Carr

Omniverse (08/11/2012)

Compy Dompy (25/07/2012)

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 15th Dec 2014 19:53

cheers Dave - also liked your Old Courts offering - although never seen a single second of 'Breaking Bad' so may have missed some of the undoubted humour - rattled along nicely though - and it would have been a crime not to do 'drinking to excess' ;-)

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 28th Nov 2014 10:12

thanks for the comment on 'last orders' Dave - hopefully we can lay those ghosts to rest at the old courts - hope to see you there in a couple of weeks time for the Xmas soiree (?)

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 14th Oct 2014 19:28

Dave - you mentioned t'other night you were on facebook - but there's bloody hundreds of you - can you friend me instead? there's less of me :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 22nd Sep 2014 19:30

thanks for the comment on 'snipers' Dave - glad you liked it - sorry for slow response, been really hectic since I got back from holidays - but starting to clear some circulation space at last - so in catch up mode - thought I might see you at the Tudor last week - it was quiet. Diggers was OK - not my best, but hey ho :-)

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 26th Feb 2014 18:28

thanks for the comment on 'Walkin' Man' Dave and apologies for the tardiness of my reply - I've not been spending enough time on WOL recently and I've got behind with both my thank-you's and my readings of other folks work - something I intend to remedy as we head in to March :-) will be back in touch I'm sure once I catch up on my reading.
I also liked your reading at the last Tudor - as always - there's some quality stuff being read there at the moment

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John Coopey

Sat 23rd Feb 2013 22:29

I like the idea of warming up cheese in the back of the telly.
Thanks for your thoughts, Dave.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 12th Nov 2012 20:19

Glad you appreciated my sad poem. It's strange how the most heartfelt can take the least time to get down in print. A similar occasion was when I was down in South Devon one gloomy November afternoon walking beside the River Dart - and found myself watching and listening to a solitary robin in a threadbare tree. By the time I was home (in my holiday caravan) I had the poem written in my head - see "The Galmpton Robin". Like you, I love comic verse and having read your POEM above, I can tell Mike was a damn Yankee who any girl with sense would like to tell to Foxtrot Oscar without needing an X-ray, with a cry of "Who's a Papa?" that would Echo for miles.

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winston plowes

Thu 8th Nov 2012 15:58

Hi Dave, Thx for the comments on Lumb Bank. Such a beautiful place on that particular day. Win

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Laura Taylor

Thu 8th Nov 2012 13:03

Hola Dave

Hey thanks :) Glad you enjoyed it. Was an absolutely cracking day - shame you couldn't be there. Next year!

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Thu 8th Nov 2012 12:58

Sorry to hear you won't be with us tonight Dave - we'll miss you! I'm also hoping your surgery isn't owt serious. If your man flu's anything to go by, it's probably an in growing toe nail and we don't need to worry too much about next month ;) x - and another for your toe x

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John Coopey

Wed 5th Sep 2012 10:01

Glad you liked "Dedicated Follower of Thrashin", Dave. You really should busy yourself more if you've the time and inclination to look at my back catalogue!
"DFoF" is one of a number of disrespectful parodies I have been doing of late.

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Yvonne Brunton

Wed 25th Jul 2012 23:57

Hi Dave Thanks for your comment on Us Nolimpics.
I've only just discovered your work as I only joined WOL in March this year but I am becoming seriously addicted!! I love comic rhyming verse having been weaned on Mariott Edgar/Stanley Holloway, cut my teeth on Flanders and Swan and confirmed into the cult of Les Barker and so to plunge into the warm pool of your verses, rhymes and wordplay is a sheer delight. Keep on blogging ! XX Yvonne

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Laura Taylor

Mon 12th Dec 2011 16:05

Hello fellow Neutral Milk Hotel fan!! Wow, that's a rarity. I meet so few people who are into them! I mentioned them to Winston on here and he got the album and got RIGHT into it :D I never had a favourite album in a lifetime's worth of music that shows you how pretty bloody special it is!

Jeff Mangum's around and about these days you know, he was supposed to be curating an ATP but as far as I can tell it's all gone tits up. Ticket price was ridiculous though.

If I hear of him playing any gigs, I'll give you a shout :)

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Ray Miller

Wed 23rd Nov 2011 10:59

Thanks for your comments, Dave. That crows line gave me so much trouble - and I still don't like it!

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John Coopey

Mon 21st Nov 2011 23:45

Thanks for your comments on "Everybody's Gone Serfin'". Glad you enjoyed it.

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 21st Nov 2011 17:03

Just watch out for those little green men! :)

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Chris Co

Fri 18th Nov 2011 21:47

Thx for reading/commenting on my last poem Dave- appreciated.

Hope to see ya at the next Wigan.

My Best


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Dave Bradley

Fri 18th Nov 2011 08:10

Hi Dave

Just read your profile poems which somehow I'd managed to miss and throughly enjoyed both of them. Vintage Carr.

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Chris Co

Fri 18th Nov 2011 08:04

Thx for the feedback on my last/that war poem Dave. Hope to see and hear you soon at Wigan.

Love your laconic/super kool style- Chris

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Laura Taylor

Tue 1st Nov 2011 10:18

Hey Dave - sorry for the late reply, but thank you for your note on Gordon, appreciate it :)

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Lynn Dye

Thu 20th Oct 2011 12:04

Hi Dave, thank you for your nice comments on No More, appreciated. x

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John Darwin

Wed 19th Oct 2011 21:45

Dave, thanks for your positive comment on my poem September!

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Greg Freeman

Thu 13th Oct 2011 08:37

Thanks for commenting on The Carpet-Fitter's Tale, Dave. Yes, it could be one of an occasional series. Maybe if I overhear any interesting phone conversations on the train ... Greg

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John Coopey

Wed 12th Oct 2011 11:29

Hello Dave
Thanks for commenting on "widening the Circle of Friends".
Looking at your picture I'm confident that both of us have "fizzogs"!

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 3rd Sep 2011 14:47

Everyone at my writing group liked your poem very much - and were intrigued to find out what a villanelle was! Most of the group stick to writing prose you see. Thanks a lot for letting me read it to them.

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Laura Taylor

Wed 17th Aug 2011 12:17

Eh, don't be jumping on me bandwagon now Dave ;p

Thanks for the comment chuck, appreciate it.

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 16th Aug 2011 22:37

Thank you for the kind comments Dave. Always appreciated. Graham

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Greg Freeman

Wed 27th Jul 2011 23:00

Thanks for your comments on For My Brother, Dave. And good luck for the new season!

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John Coopey

Tue 28th Jun 2011 20:13

Thanks for commenting on Rattus. Yes, you're right - I got the first verse (written) wrong.

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Thu 23rd Jun 2011 17:10

It is indeed a pastiche. Thanks for the comment Dave. Flat satin sandals, moi? Never! xx

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