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Competition closes in 12 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Killing Eve - A Villanelle

This nonsense about Killing Eve
Get on with it is what I say
I find it so hard to believe

Perhaps she flatters to deceive
She lives to fight another day
This nonsense about Killing Eve

It is a tangled web they weave
Not black or white but shades of grey
I find it so hard to believe

So surely someone can conceive
A way to bump her off today
This nonsense about Killing Eve

Call me obtuse or just naive
You'd think that they could find a way
I find it so hard to believe

Another series I perceive
They just can't put that lass away
This nonsense about Killing Eve
I find it so hard to believe


villanelleKilling Eve

◄ The Great Indian Takeaway


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Shifa Maqba

Fri 10th Jul 2020 11:10

You had me at the title. Enjoyed reading this!

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Greg Freeman

Wed 8th Jul 2020 08:57

Well said, Dave. We enjoyed the first series, but when we found out it was going to run and run ... Nice villanelle.

<Deleted User> (13740)

Wed 8th Jul 2020 00:36

As this last gunman ship is done eve,
Would rather, be in the sun,
She has played those roles,
Bitch and wife,
If this is the comeuppance for her sins,
He might as well take her as he is,
Dreaming of apples in her dressing gown,
As the sun goes down

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