The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 12 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.


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The fish was from another time; in my time he was dead.

I stopped to look him up and down, he stared right back and said,

There’s consternation on your face, perhaps I should explain.

Keep it simple, I implored, don’t cabbage out my brain.

The explanation you require is one of elegance

And for a fish so dead, I thought he spoke with eloquence.

I sense your dread, the dead fish said, but please do not be frightened;

I’ll share the secrets of the world, if you would be enlightened.

He held me with his fish eye lens and spoke with rasping voice

I stood enrapt, engaged, ensnared;  I had no other choice.

I’m from another universe,  our time curves coincide

A minute probability has brought us side by side

A gateway is created at this point where here I lie.

A turnpike, I suggested, but he let that one go by.

What you see when you see me is not what you expected

But that’s because you’re looking from your goldfish bowl perspective.

Contemplate the stars and watch your universe expand;

See it from a point outside to help you understand.

It makes a little sense, I said, and can I call you Pikey?

I have been called many things but Pikey I quite likey.

There’s far too much uncertainty about your universe

As speed becomes more accurate, position just gets worse

With ten spatial dimensions all rolled along with time

Where universe is multiverse, an omniverse of rhyme

Where no road is not taken and every path is free

Where every thing is everywhere in blind infinity,

A word becomes a number and a number is a word.

Is this the grand design, I asked,  of which I think I’ve heard?

The capable creation can all philosophise

On chance and serendipity and whether gods roll dice.

We talked of quantum physics,  and how Einstein was right

Quarks and protons, waves and photons, till I saw the light

What good is this great knowledge Pikey, tell me what to do.

Do what you wish, replied the fish, I hope it gets you through

Tell me Pikey,  I enquired, what else should I know?

Your flies are open, said the fish, and now I have to go.


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Yvonne Brunton

Sat 24th Nov 2012 00:23

How much help did the fish give you with this metre and rhyme? It's all so good, flowing from one image or concept to the next. Thoroughly enjoyed this one. XX

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 14th Nov 2012 00:34

The imagery and wordplay are consistent and inventive, with a priceless pay-off. This smacks of a lot of hard work honing the content.

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Fri 9th Nov 2012 19:55

Very funny! Can't wait to hear this one performed. I was thinking HitchHikers too! Too many lines to single out one, but I did like the Turnpike/gateway one :)

It's a shame you were missing last night. You and John Coopey would make a great double act!

Hope your flies are now closed and your toe's doing well :)

<Deleted User> (10707)

Fri 9th Nov 2012 19:04

Dave priceless .. again! well done... all from looking at a fish eh? Tesco's or some sunny shores?

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Laura Taylor

Fri 9th Nov 2012 15:20

Hahaa :D Excellent Dave! Xmas Tudor? Gwannn!!!

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John Coopey

Fri 9th Nov 2012 12:44

Wonderful lines, Dave. Too many to single out. Reminded me of The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy. What I really liked, though, was that the rhythm was so reassuring - however the line started I could have faith that the line scanned.

tony sheridan

Fri 9th Nov 2012 00:04

Well done Dave! I Love this. Take care, Tony.

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Harry O'Neill

Thu 8th Nov 2012 22:44

Just been reading up on quarks...I must say that from bottom to top your poem has a strange charm and flavour (The search for fundamental particles makes all this mere evolution stuff seem a bit old hat)

I love your humorous take on it and the way you`ve got so many of the relevant `in words` into such smooth and amusing rhyme.

I like the way line ten gets those three `en` words in...all different.

And that last line is as good as one of Hughs.

Thoroughly enjoyed

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Dave Carr

Thu 8th Nov 2012 21:29

Changed that offending line. Happier with that. Still thinking about capable creation.

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Dave Carr

Thu 8th Nov 2012 17:06

Thanks for comments here.
Sid, I like the Theo Walcott analogy.
I have to agree with you about the other comments.
Will try to improve those lines.

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Ray Miller

Thu 8th Nov 2012 14:44

Wonderful.I love the turnpike

As speed becomes more accurate, position just gets worse - I'm thinking Theo Walcott.

A world of ten dimensions of space and one of time - the one line in the poem that is not so smooth.

The capable creation - hmmm, I think you could do better than that.

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Thu 8th Nov 2012 14:02


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