The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Yvonne Brunton

Updated: Sun, 17 Jan 2016 02:58 pm

Contact via WOL logo


I enjoy anything to do with words: poet, singer-songwriter, scriptwriting, acting, reading, cryptic crosswords. I am a folk musician, playing violin, guitar, mandolin and mouthorgan. Having been an international communications facilitator, (i.e. MFL teacher) I am currently a tutor of deaf students and love my work. Yippee - now retired! So I have far less time to do everything I want to!


If I Only Had The Words Trapped inside my brain Ten thousand fledglings wait Each sparkling with hope Within this hopeless state. In their unfettered world They jostle to be free, Yet one by one the flame is gone – They shrink and die in me. Oh! Womb of future past Where birth pains sear, Ambitions fear and Creativity disappears, In darkest night My dreams take flight As they aspire To cast their light. This living Tower of Troy, This dried-up seed of joy, Wherein lie all my hopes, still free, This silent cell without a key. For I would give my all If but my thoughts were heard. Come – free me from my silence – If I only had the words! Gulf War Special Oh, it will all be very jolly when we ship you off to war ‘cos Hussein’s a cruel bully and its time he was no more. With your call-up papers posted, pack your kit and oil your gun, And we’ll ship you to the desert – you’ll enjoy a bit of sun. Anthrax jabs, Malaria tabs, Boil up your billy for your rat-pack bag. Things don’t look so bad as we’re firing on Baghdad. Can’t wait to see Kuwait – How far’s Basra? Scorpion hider and camel spider Back in the pan where our tents all stand And the sandstorm’s power strips paint and skin. There’s times I’d like to jack it in! But I really should be thankful For we’ve spare parts by the tankful And a shower-bag that’s hot – though soap there’s not! For the lass who’s my best mate – or My germ proof respirator And the blueys from back home Which keep me sane. ‘cept, as I dig another hole For one more mutilated soul, I’ll be glad when we are shipped back home again.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Yvonne Brunton

Nuclear Cradle Song (26/05/2012)

Kushagarnie (06/04/2012)

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 20th Feb 2023 16:27

Cheers Yvonne for your comment on "The Paint and the Past"

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 28th Jan 2016 08:38

Cheers Yvonne for your generous comment on Monsoon wind. Tommy

steve mellor

Tue 1st Apr 2014 12:29

Hi Yvonne
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my little piece 'Snapshot'
I found a couple of old photo's of me when I was a tot, and realised (from the snaps) how different life was for me, compared to what my Grandchildren are ploughing through
I've started scanning the important photos (with ancient relations etc) and noted the names of those who will fade from memory in another generation, and put them into a Powerpoint slide-show

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John Coopey

Sun 30th Mar 2014 13:21

There you are, Yvonne! I was getting Lover's Balls waiting for you to re-appear.
I hope you are keeping well and you mysterious disappearance was not caused by anything serious.
Have you dried up? You haven't posted any poems for quite a while.

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Sat 29th Mar 2014 21:21

Hi Yvonne. Thank you for liking my Disturbing Verse. It's very encouraging.

C Byrne

Sat 13th Jul 2013 10:03

Thanks for the comment Yvonne. Enjoyed your samples.

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John Coopey

Fri 12th Jul 2013 21:08

Aye, aye, Y.
Thankyou for your kind thoughts on "A Toast to Craig and Hannah". Originally I thought of getting them A Toaster for Craig and Hannah as a prezzie but the pome was a lot cheaper.
(Not sure what you meant by 'well executed'. It wasn't a recommendation for me, was it?)

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Cate Greenlees

Mon 8th Jul 2013 16:29

Hi Yvonne, thanks for your comment on "The Last Song." I do love trying out different styles and skills, and its good when they come off!!
Cate xx

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John Coopey

Sun 7th Jul 2013 22:36

Hello Yvonne,
Glad you liked "Ray-Bans". Your own little ditty was well worth posting, I thought.

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Steve Higgins

Fri 28th Jun 2013 14:20

Thanks for stopping by and reading 'richard Burton ' -best wishes, Steve

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 29th May 2013 17:09

thanks for commenting on 'I wish I had a harley' Yvonne - my fear of speed would mean I never went near a petrol lawn mower - never mind a Harley - as John says 'born to be mild' :-)

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John Coopey

Wed 22nd May 2013 23:30

Glad you liked "Filey", Yvonne. Next time I catch you there you can have a lick of my lolly.

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 22nd May 2013 19:25

thanks once again for your comments on 'noticed' Yvonne - I'm glad you like the 'flag' words earlier in the poem - I had an exchange of views with Harry on this - I wrote them in early because this man lived like a ghost when he was alive - he was a ghost when he died. So you got it spot on regarding what I intended. Very perceptive as always :-)

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John Coopey

Sun 19th May 2013 23:14

hello Yvonne,
Glad you liked "Your First Hut is the Cheapest". Sheds seem to provide me with a lot of my inspiration, perhaps because I spend a lot of time in them doing nothing.

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 19th May 2013 15:13

thanks for the comment on 'deadly nightshade' Yvonne - yes, I liked the single line ending, which turns it from what appears to be a love poem into something more sinister - nice that you picked that up

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Sun 19th May 2013 09:17

Thanks for commenting on my poem Yvonne. x

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 14th May 2013 19:01

thanks for commenting on 'eyrie avenue' Yvonne - it's an older poem of mine and the characters are actual people - glad you liked it

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 13th May 2013 19:05

Hi Yvonne - I enjoyed your "like for like"
response on my last post (oops...sounds like I'm tempting providence...musically speaking!!)

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John Coopey

Wed 24th Apr 2013 23:42

Yes, of course the photo was of me. Your application for the position of Chief Groupie is therefore accepted. But I hope the rest of you will be in better nick than your eyesight.

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Martin Peacock

Mon 22nd Apr 2013 00:54

Cheers Yvonne for telling me about the name of the 'A Day In The Life Of comp. All sorted now. Cheers!

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John Coopey

Thu 18th Apr 2013 20:29

...and true, Yvonne.
The experience of meeting Tony Blair was informative.
He was introduced to me and asked me something. As I was answering I could see there was no-one at home. I couldn't blame him; he was dealing with international crises, economic issues. He looked totally shagged out.
5 minutes later he went outside for a press statement and as soon as the cameras rolled he transposed instantly into totally animated, switched on Tony.

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 18th Apr 2013 11:05

Yvonne- miners picketed docks; miners picketed power-stations and motorway junctions- miners were desperate and upon occasion resorted to desperate measures, two striking Miners and one scab were also killed.

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Pete Slater

Thu 18th Apr 2013 06:14

Hello Yvonne
Thank you once again for taking time to read my stuff. Ths one was done cause my 90 year old mum wanted me to write a "pome" about when I was a kid. (Another request was "sausages")
It is so pleasing someone enjoys what I write thanks.

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Ian Whiteley

Thu 18th Apr 2013 00:29

Thanks for your kind comments on 'class action' Yvonne - you are right about the grammar and I've now changed it - added a post to the original so that it makes sense to anyone coming along later - thanks once again for taking the time to respond

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Mon 8th Apr 2013 23:15

Thanks for commenting on my coat poem Yvonne and apologies for the delay in my thanking you - things are a little manic over school holidays and I forget to do things.

Your comment was bang on - and my pockets are full of loose buttons :) x

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 8th Apr 2013 19:18

thanks again Yvonne - glad you liked 'jigsaw' - I would have put it in the competition but I'd already submitted 'in the frame' so felt it wasn't right to send in a second

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Pete Slater

Sat 6th Apr 2013 20:45

Hi Yvonne
Seems the challenge worked. Glad you like the result. I was pleased myself (is that too much ego?)Thanks for the positive comments, they give me the idea I must be doing something right.

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Charlie Preston

Fri 5th Apr 2013 11:03

Thanks for your comment in my poem 'How To Be Better'. Much appreciated. X

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John Coopey

Fri 5th Apr 2013 00:46

Pleased you enjoyed "Don't Think Twice..." and the piccy of my taut bottom.

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Pete Slater

Thu 4th Apr 2013 09:03

Hello Yvonne.
I was advised by a friend to post stuff on here, so I did, a few at a time. Obviously not knowing how it works. Thank you for the advice on blogging. Also I am pleased you like the stuff I have done, you are spot on with FFS, I love reading that one. As I mentioned previously I am new to writing and am a totally accidental poet. I have no understanding of the structure of poetry or how it works. I sit, I feel, I write. Raw but real. Seeing that people actually read my stuff and give feedback is very reassuring and helpful. Sorry about the novelette. :0)

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